Breaking Her Rules

Free Breaking Her Rules by Katie Reus

Book: Breaking Her Rules by Katie Reus Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Reus
have married him—and he still couldn’t believe she’d said yes—
    but she hadn’t given all of herself to him. He refused to let her hold back. Not when he wanted to claim all of her, to know she loved him the way he did her.
    Iris let out an exaggerated sigh that didn’t match the mischievous grin on her face. She
    loosened her towel so that it pooled at her feet, then she stepped into his embrace again. At the sight of her in a tiny bikini a shudder rolled through him. He’d bought the damn thing for her but now he hated to think that anyone else in his hotel had seen her dressed like this. With her, he felt possessive on a level he’d never imagined possible.
    He ordered himself to go slow, but as she grappled with his belt, he lost the battle for self
    control. He clasped his hands around her waist and tugged her flush against his body. She might be keeping part of herself hidden from him, but she couldn’t deny her attraction to him. Hell,
    neither of them could.
    Sliding his hands up her waist and around her back, he tugged on the strings to her bikini top.
    As the flimsy material fell away from her body and slid to the floor, her nipples hardened into tight peaks. His cock ached painfully as he drank in the sight of her bare breasts. Not wanting her to undress him completely—just yet—he stilled her hands.
    Iris looked up at him, her dark eyes curious until he grasped her bikini bottom and let it join her top on the floor. Without taking his gaze off her, he moved his laptop to the edge of his large desk and blindly shoved the few papers that remained to the side.
    “Sit on my desk,” he ordered softly.
    She hesitated for a moment and not for the first time was he struck with how vulnerable she
    seemed sometimes. She was always so damn strong, like she had a steel cage built around her, but when she let her guard down with him it warmed him from the inside out. Because he knew she
    didn’t do that for anyone else but him.
    When she did as he said, sitting on the edge, her hands clasping it so hard her knuckles had
    turned pale, he inwardly smiled. The past couple days she’d given up complete control to him,
    letting him tie her up and he knew he was driving her wild with the way he took charge. She didn’t vocalize her feelings well, but the way her body reacted spoke volumes.
    “Lay back and spread your legs.”
    She glanced over her shoulder, as if she was afraid someone might walk in. “Wyatt…” She
    wrapped her arms around her full breasts. Breasts he’d sucked, licked, and teased until she was begging for more.
    “No one would dare disturb us here.” While he had a home on the outskirts of the city, he used
    this penthouse suite as his personal living quarters and his office was off-limits to everyone. He grasped her wrists and tugged them to her sides, not wanting her to cover herself. The desire to see her body, what he was claiming as his own, was a primal need inside him. He covered her
    mouth with his, crushing and taking everything she’d give him.
    If she wouldn’t open up to him, he’d get her so hooked on him that she wouldn’t want to leave.
    The woman was already like a drug. Addictive and intoxicating.
    As he probed her mouth with his tongue, he slid his hand down her abdomen until he cupped her
    mound, feeling the slickness of her desire. Her hips rolled against him, urging him on in a silent demand.
    She might be okay with giving up control to him in the bedroom but she sure as hell demanded
    what she wanted, sometimes with words and sometimes with just her body. He loved that she
    wasn’t afraid to let him know what pleased her.
    Sliding his finger along her slit, he slowly pushed it inside her snug body to test her slickness.
    She moaned and tightened around him. He couldn’t bite back his own groan at discovering how
    wet she already was. Withdrawing his finger, he kept his mouth on hers and their bodies connected and leaned her back until she was flat on his desk.

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