A Betty's Pledge: Volume One

Free A Betty's Pledge: Volume One by Emma Husher

Book: A Betty's Pledge: Volume One by Emma Husher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Husher
it looked like without all of that
     gel. I could visualize his tuft of silk between my legs as he pleasured me, feel the
     slick strands of it between my fingertips as if it ghosted across my flesh. I felt
     my fingers twitch with the need to reach out, and I could barely suppress the moan
     as he entered into my circle.
    He approached me, his eyes never leaving mine. Once he was close enough, I saw that
     his eyes were a stunning shade of brassy green, picking up the light to reveal sparks
     of yellow and blue mixed in. They were gorgeous and erotic, and I could imagine how
     they’d gleam when his lids were hooded with passion.
    When he was finally beside me, I felt my senses shoot into overdrive. We’d made some
     vague introductions that I barely remembered because I was so entranced by the way
     he smelled. It was a combination of passion, lust, and pure sensual male that created
     an overwhelming feast for my senses. I was lost in his essence, both in sight and
     in smell that I hadn’t really watched what was coming out of my mouth; the presence
     of him was so intoxicating.
    “I wonder if that mouth sounds that nice in bed as well,” I had replied to a simple
     compliment he’d paid me, and I wondered where the hell my filter had gone.
    Probably in that puddle on the floor, right next to your soaked panties and inhibitions.
    He took a step closer to me, brushing his hand along the skin of my neck right below
     my earlobe.
    “My mouth can do a great many things in bed, my Betty. And I can’t wait to show you
     exactly what I mean.”
    “Why wait?” I asked on a whispered breath, turning into his palm slightly so I could
     bring my mouth closer to his. Never in my life had I felt so confident with a man
     that I’d been so taken with like I was to him. It was as if all of the walls I’d formed
     around myself out of habit immediately fell down.
    He chuckled in a deep timbre that made my insides rumble. “There are certain protocols
     to be followed. It is too early into the game for open play.”
    “I’ve seen others disappear into seclusion.”
    “Those are members already in the program. You are still going through your trials.”
    “No rule breaking?” I asked from beneath my lashes, trying my damnedest to entice
    “Not tonight.” He gave me a wicked grin that incinerated what was left of my thin
    “How long have you been watching me?”
    “How long have you noticed me watching you?” he countered just as smugly.
    “Hmm . . .” It was all I could think to say.
    “Mady?” a slightly accented voice called from behind me, and I felt my eyelids squeeze
     together in frustration at my friend’s perfect timing.
    “Mina,” I replied, turning to see my best friend donned in the perfect costume. It
     made me laugh out loud as I truly took her in. She even did a little turn around so
     I could see her from all angles. A seductive and entirely inappropriate White Rabbit,
     with a gigantic, poufy cotton ball tail that she wagged at me with a laugh. Perfect
     for her in every way!
    “You like?” she asked as she was done with her modeling.
    “Very much so,” I replied with a giggle.
    “Don’t you think that’s slightly overkill, baby doll?” Isaac asked from behind me,
     his breath fanning across my shoulders leaving me in chills.
    “Not at all,” Mina answered, sticking her tongue out in such a childish gesture that
     it made me think the two of them had a brother-sister type relationship. For some
     reason, that made me smile and warmed me even further to Isaac Wilson.
    “So,” Mina started, taking my arm in hers and dragging me away from Isaac. I turned
     to see him watching me over my shoulder, trying to tell him with my eyes that I wanted
     to finish our heated conversation from earlier. He gave me a quick wink as Mina continued.
     “How is it going so far?”
    “I’m really having a good time.”
    “And the boys?”
    I glanced back at Isaac to find him

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