The One Worth Finding

Free The One Worth Finding by Teresa Silberstern

Book: The One Worth Finding by Teresa Silberstern Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teresa Silberstern
Tags: BDSM, anal, femdom, fisting, pegging
awed by the excitability of his whole anal region, the capability
for frantic ecstasy he showed. He begged so beautifully, she
couldn’t deny him.
    “Very well, pet,” she said, gently
wiping the tears from his face “You want to be fucked now? I’ll
fuck you. You’re allowed to take your hands down.”
    He was still shivering when she got up and
undressed, slowly and seductively, ignoring him completely. He
swallowed. Her body looked even more petite without clothes, her
waist so tiny he could almost have spanned it with his hands, and
she had such pale, creamy skin. Her spine was ramrod straight like
a ballet dancer’s, her body control military; her posture alone
commanded respect. Pride and longing filled his soul. She was so
beautiful it took his breath away, and he was hers.
    She cleaned her hands carefully with
water, soap and disinfectant, but his eyes went wide when she
turned around without looking at him, in the process of donning a
huge black strap-on.
    Damn, this one was
massive ;
possibly the biggest one he’d ever seen. His skin started to tingle
with desperate anticipation, his cock jerking
    Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, all the way
in, right now…
    He was surprised when she walked over to
him, her hips swaying enticingly, and lay down on the mattress next
to him in a half-sitting position, her back propped against the
head-rest, slim legs stretched out in front of her.
    “ Scoot over,” she ordered, and he
complied, moving until she sat in the middle and he lay so
dangerously on the edge he almost fell to the floor.
    “ You want to get your needy
little hole stuffed, my impatient angel?” she said. “Then come on, get it. I
want to see how much you can take.”
    She saw his confused thoughts clearly on
his face, and realized that he’d possibly never done it in this
position before. Which excited her; maybe she could teach an old
dog some new tricks here. She took the bottle of lube to squeeze a
more than generous amount onto the huge black cock and saw
eagerness replace the insecurity when he finally understood what
she wanted him to do.
    “ Straddle my hips,” she prompted, and he
complied immediately.
    To get himself into the right
position, he had to bring his torso very, very close to hers,
sandwiching his rock-hard erection tightly between their bodies,
sending new waves of torturing arousal through his whole body. The
close contact, skin on skin, was so intimate, so mind-blowing, that
his whole body was shaking with the feeling of utter oneness
between them. He wanted so much to touch her, but knew he wasn’t
allowed to.
    “Hands behind your back,” she ordered,
reading his thoughts like she so often did. Like only she
    He obeyed with a stifled, very
disappointed moan.
    “Yes, Ma’am.”
    He was relieved when he felt her
touching him, her beautiful hands wandering over his smooth skin,
attentive fingers driving th rough the sparse amount of hair on his chest. She
tugged a little, and he had to smile when the small, stinging pain
flared through his system. His cock jerked against her
    “ Show me now, sub,” she growled,
“show me how much you can take.”
    If she had thought he would lower himself
slowly and tentatively onto the giant strap-on, the biggest one
she’d been able to find anywhere and much more than she’d ever used
on a sub before, she’d been wrong.
    Aaron Harte simply closed his
eyes and sank down on the massive pillar, impaling himself on the
devilish device until it was seated inside him to the hilt, his
face contorted with ecstasy. It was a mind-blowing view, and Tara’s
clit throbbed in tune with his cock , although the dildo did nothing to arouse
her. She didn’t want to be this aroused; she liked to concentrate
on her sub’s pleasure while she fucked him.
    Aaron’s body trembled beneath her
fingertips while he accommodated the size of the giant tool inside
him. He was truly remarkable.
    “Doesn’t that hurt, angel?”

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