A Sea Change

Free A Sea Change by Annette Reynolds

Book: A Sea Change by Annette Reynolds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annette Reynolds
sure thing and just wants to get laid. Or maybe I’m just really handy.
    What difference does it make, though? He’d fill up the nights. And if the sex turns out to be only so-so, at least I won’t be alone.
    Chapter Seven

    “Five days, Nick? What is the point of Becky coming all the way down here for just five days?”
    “Hey, don’t yell at me, Kay. She didn’t want to let her come at all.” Nick walked out onto his small deck with the phone. “I started negotiations at two weeks. And you know what a treat it is talking to her.”
    “What is wrong with that woman?”
    He pulled a chair into the sun and sat. “Where would you like me to start?”
    “So, how bad was it this time? Was the husband there?”
    “The team’s out of town.” Nick propped his feet on the railing and reached for the can of soda there.
    “Well, at least you didn’t have to deal with that, too.”
    “Get real. Janet managed to work his name into the conversation every five minutes. ‘Jim says it’ll have to be a direct flight. Jim’ll pay for a First Class ticket.’” Nick’s imitation of his ex-wife’s Tennessean twang was flawless. “And you’re gonna love this. ‘Jim and I feel Kay is too lenient with Tommy and Patty.’” His sister shrieked. Nick winced and pulled the phone away from his ear.
    “I hope you let her have it,” Kay fumed.
    “I couldn’t say a word. Becky was standing right there.”
    “Where is my niece? I wanna say ‘hi.’”
    “She’s down at Mary’s place. We went to the zoo yesterday. Then we did dinner at Red Robin and took in the new Disney movie.”
    “So, talk to me, Nick.”
    “What about?”
    “Your life.”
    “What life?”
    “Exactly,” Kay said. “Are you gonna stay holed up on Salmon Beach for the rest of it?”
    “Lay off, Kay. I like it here.”
    “Do you really want to take care of that nutty bunch of people for the rest of your days? It’s not like you really need the money.”
    “They’re not nutty. I like these people. I think you know I don’t do it for the money. And what else can I do, Kay?” he retorted. “I can’t play ball anymore. I miss it like hell.”
    Her voice softened. “I know you do, Nicky. You were terrific. Surely there’s something you can do besides play. What about coaching?”
    “I don’t want to talk about it right now, okay? So, let’s change the subject.”
    “Okay. So, are you seeing anyone?”
    “Kay?...” His voice held a warning.
    “You said to change the subject.” She paused. “I’m worried about you, Nick.”
    “I’m all right, thanks.” Nick looked across the beach but didn’t see any sign of Maddy. “And, just so you won’t ask again, no, I’m not seeing anyone.” He put his head back against the chair and closed his eyes. “God, I hate Sundays.”
    “No you don’t. You just hate the days you have to give Becky back to Janet.”
    The front door slammed, and his daughter raced through the house. She burst onto the deck and wrapped her arms around Nick’s neck.
    “Wait’ll you see what I made at Mary’s, Daddy!”
    He smiled and handed her the phone. “First say hi to your Aunt Kay.”

    They barbecued hotdogs on the grill; an early dinner. Then he walked his daughter up the stairs to wait for Janet. The hour drive back up to Bellevue, coupled with the fact it was a school night, meant Becky had to leave by mid-afternoon. He never had enough time with her.
    Nick’s bi-monthly depression hit him especially hard this Sunday afternoon. He sat on the deck, holding the small, clay polar bear Becky made for him, remembering yesterday’s trip to Point Defiance Zoo. Nick had delighted in Becky’s antics. She’d raced from exhibit to exhibit with unflagging energy that could only come from being eight years old. When she came face-to-face with the polar bear for the first time, though, she reined herself in for a complete stop. It had been love at first sight, and Nick leaned against the concrete wall

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