Can't Let Go
problem was, either I stay there, save some money in order to leave again, or I live in my car. Unfortunately, the decision was decided for me when Nico showed up at the door that evening.
    I had been finishing preparing dinner, packaging up a meal for my dad to eat whenever he returned from wherever he was. Now a days, I had no idea where he ventured to lose his money. The knock on the door was soft and courteous, so, I had thought it could be Mrs. Heinz from next door or one of her three kids. But when I opened the door, surprise found me in the form of Nico.
    He hasn’t changed in four years, the same gold chain hangs from his thicker neck. The slick gel still keeps his hair back. That damn over abundance of chest hair peeks through his silk shirt that has one too many buttons undone. I try to shut the door, but he shoves his foot in the small opening and his palm smacks the door to push it open.
    “Nico,” I said, trying to will my voice not to sound as panicked as I was. The first thing that crossed my mind was Dex and four years ago when he stopped Nico from god knows what his agenda was.
    “Chrissy,” he seductively said my name, sauntering into the apartment. My feet instinctively back up until my butt hits the table. My palms grip the edge as Nico stands chest to chest with me, my emotions bouncing everywhere … nervous to his intentions, but scared to what he’s capable of.
    “Oh, Chrissy. I’ve missed you.” He takes his finger to tuck away a loose strand from my ponytail. Smacking it away, I attempt to scoot an inch over, careful not to draw attention to my movements. “Come on. We could be good together. Obviously, where ever you went didn’t pan out. I can give you a lot of things, Chrissy, if you would just allow me.”
    My heart speeds up while think about all of the ways to get out and away, already regretting returning to this fucking place. “Nico,” I warn him with a stern voice.
    “No, Chrissy. See your dad really screwed up more than usual this time. He’s a cheat. Guess what he promised me in exchange to swipe that incident under the rug?” He places his hand on my hip, and I swallow the bile slowing rising in my throat. Shifting to the side, he places both hands on either side of my hips. “I’ll give you a hint, it’s something I’ve wanted for a really long time.”
    “He didn’t.” My shoulders deflate while my body goes numb. How could my dad actually put me, or my body up to settle a score?
    “Oh, but he did. Come on baby, I’ve been waiting a long time for this and I’m not really up for your hard-to-get act.” His face slowly starts coming my way as I back my head up further.
    Thinking of nothing better, my knee slams between his legs using as much force as I’m able. Nico bends down, his hands cupping himself while screaming obscenities at me. I’m glad I’ve never fully unpacked when I grab my one bag and purse leaving the apartment. My feet slip on the stairs from rushing so fast but I catch myself with my hands on the railings. Never looking back, I run onto a bus that’s picking people up. I scramble to find the money in my purse, the driver sensing something’s wrong, waits patiently for me and then pulls off the curb. And now here I am …
    I don’t even notice the vibrating in my purse until Sadie turns around and her eyes dart to my lap where my purse rests, clutched in my fists. Unzipping the top, I pull my phone out and Dex’s name appears.
Dex: Everything okay?
Me: Yeah.
    He probably wants to make sure I keep my mouth shut about his alternate life. It disappoints me that he allowed me to be shoved in the car with the girls. I had wanted to tell him what was going on. Explain the reason for my sudden reappearance after four years.
Dex: We’ll be there soon.
    The thought that maybe he’s feeling guilty for deserting me with the two girls in the front seat puts a small smile on my face. Right before I realize it’s probably because he didn’t

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