Gods And Kings

Free Gods And Kings by Lynn Austin

Book: Gods And Kings by Lynn Austin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Austin
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them how you won Uzziah’s confidence and were able to influence the entire nation.”
    Zechariah made a shaky attempt to stand and speak, but Uriah quickly realized from his glazed eyes and swaying legs that he was drunk. Uriah hastily resumed his speech.
    “My esteemed colleague has already assured me of his full support,” he said as he waved Zechariah away. “My point is that King Ahaz is very young and has no understanding of Yahweh’s law. It’s up to us to teach him and draw him back to the worship of Yahweh.Then we’ll be able to draw back the people, as well. King Ahaz trusts me. He has made me second in command of the nation. I’m merely using this sacrifice as a first step to revive the worship at this Temple.”
    “By worshiping idols?” Conaniah shouted. “You want to revive the worship of Yahweh by sacrificing to Molech? That’s insane! The only way to revive Temple worship is through repentance. The men of Judah must give up their idolatry and turn their hearts back to God!”
    Uriah swiftly crossed the room and stood before Conaniah, towering over him in an unspoken threat. “This Temple has been trying to operate under your narrow-minded, archaic views long enough.Repentance! Where has that gotten us? The whole purpose of this Temple is to serve the spiritual needs of the people. Obviously our traditions aren’t meeting those needs or the people would come back.First we must draw them back to worship. Later we can wean them from their idolatry.”“No, you’re wrong!” Azariah said. “The purpose of this Temple is to serve Yahweh, not the people. We sin against Him if we lead the people into idolatry.”
    “We’re not leading them into idolatry!” Uriah shot back. “They’re already worshiping idols! We can sit here and starve to death from lack of offerings, or we can change and reclaim some of our former power and strength in this nation. This is our chance! I have the king’s trust and support. If I don’t take a leading role in this sacrifice, then Molech’s priests will. Look, I’m simply making all the arrangements. Molech’s priests will perform the ritual. But the people must be convinced that our priesthood is supreme over all the others.”
    “Absolutely not!” Azariah answered. “We’re priests of the one true God. We can’t give our consent to idolatry.”
    “Our consent isn’t an issue!” Uriah shouted. “Ahaz is stripping the last of the Temple’s wealth—don’t you understand that? There’s nothing left! Are you going to sit here clinging to the past while the building crumbles down around you?” He slammed his fist against the wall with such force that bits of plaster and dust fell from the ceiling as if to prove his words. The room was silent for a moment.
    “It’s getting very late,” Uriah said, his voice calm and controlled.
    “We’ve debated long enough. We have to carry out the king’s orders today. The tribute must be sent to Assyria before the siege begins. And the sacrifice must be held immediately. We can’t waste any more time arguing. It’s time to vote.”
    He ignored the scattered murmurs of dissent and scooped up the container of pebbles used for voting. As he passed it around, each man took one black and one white stone.
    “If you wish to support me as high priest and revive our Temple worship, put in the white stone,” he ordered. “If you wish to tie my hands with your antiquated traditions and wait for the Temple to fall down around you, put in the black stone.”
    “Don’t listen to him!” Azariah pleaded. “He’s giving us no choice!”
    “That’s because there is no choice—don’t you understand that? We’re the dying custodians of a dying institution. We need change.
    Now vote.”
    “No!” Azariah hurled his stones at Uriah’s feet. “I refuse to accept your leadership. I refuse to have any part in a vote for idolatry. The very idea is an abomination to God himself!” He strode from the room. Conaniah and

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