
Free Thrill! by Jackie Collins

Book: Thrill! by Jackie Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Collins
    "Who comes first - the film or me?"
    "You know it's always the movie,"
    he said, teasing her.
    "You're such a bastard,"
    she said, standing on tiptoes and kissing him. T don't know why I love you."
    He wrapped her in his arms, almost sweeping her off her feet.
    57 "Carry me in the bedroom and ravish me!"
    she joked.
    "Take advantage while I'm in the mood."
    "I'm hungry,"
    he said.
    "All I've had is coffee and doughnuts."
    She put on her best sexy voice. Til give you something to eat you'll really like."
    Now she had his full attention.
    "Oh, yes, Mr Barry. You'll like it plenty."
    Laughing, they retired to the bedroom.
    So THERE I was, sixteen years old and out on my own again. I wasn't about to stay with Lulu, the cheating little whore.
    I had a couple of options. One of them was Avis Delamore, the old bag who ran the acting class Pd been attending. Avis claimed she was a famous stage actress from England. I wasn't so sure, because every time she got excited, I noticed a touch of the Bronx in her accent.
    When I got to know her better I discovered I was right. She'd lived in England for a couple of years with some loser bit-player she'd picked up in a bar. That was the extent of her English heritage.
    Avis had a big crush on me, so when I rang her bell and told her I had no place to stay, she immediately said,
    "Tou'd better sleep on my couch."
    Teah - sure. That night the couch turned into her bed and I was in with a, vengeance. Like I said before, if I really concentrate I can S^t any woman I want.
    Unfortunately Avis wasn't Lulu, with her tight stripper's body and perky tits. Avis was a big woman with floppy breasts and heavy thighs.
    I soon learned what it was like to fuck a woman who hadn't been getting it in a while. My old man was right. Grateful was good. rateful meant they'd give you anything you wanted. And she did. Al11 had to do was ask.
    I never thought about my dad or what he was doing. As far as I
    as concerned, he was yesterday's news. I'd moved on and didn't give a shit.
    59 Of course, like Lulu, Avis had no idea I was only sixteen. Told her I was twenty, an'she bought it.
    She got me to do jobs around her crumbling old house - informing everyone I was her assistant. For this I got to screw her and pocket fifty bucks a week. Trouble was she wanted it every night, and I wasn't inclined to give it up on such a regular basis.
    I compromised by making sure she gave me plenty of head. I like getting head - it means I can lie back and not get involved. Avis on her knees, and me fantasizing about movies and all that Hollywood shit. It doesn't matter what they look like as long as they give a decent blow job.
    The one good thing about being with Avis was that I got to study acting every day. And the class was hot - there were always different girls coming and going - so naturally I took full advantage of the situation.
    Avis was my bread and butter. The girls were my delectable desserts.
    Of course, I made damn sure Avis didn't know - didn't even have a suspicion. I was smart enough to realize she wouldn't take kindly to me putting it about.
    Everything went smoothly, until one day Avis's daughter, Betty, returned from California, where she'd been visiting her dad -Avis's estranged husband. By this time I was seventeen and quite settled into my new life, so when Betty appeared I wasn't expecting problems.
    Betty was the same age as me, and not at all pleased to find me in residence. I heard her arguing with her mom the first night she was there.
    "What the hell is he doing here? It's disgusting - he's young enough to be your son."
    Avis didn't like confrontations, which was one of the reasons her husband had run off in the first place.
    "It's my life,"
    she said, defending her position.
    "We're very happy."
    "Well, I'm not happy,"
    Betty yelled back.
    "And I'm not living here with

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