Billionaire Brothers 2 : Love Has A Name

Free Billionaire Brothers 2 : Love Has A Name by S. Ann Cole

Book: Billionaire Brothers 2 : Love Has A Name by S. Ann Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. Ann Cole
be easily pissed off, too, if I’d been working all day, tired as a horse and starving almost to death.”
    The strength to argue with this pestiferous man wasn’t there. It truly wasn’t. “What are you doing here, Lovello?”
    I brought the straw to my lips and took a long pull of the milk shake, no longer able to pretend I didn’t need it. At the sweet, malty taste on my tongue, my eyes shuttered down and a moan of appreciation slipped from me. It’d been months since I’d had one of these sweet babies. “I thought we had an agreement. You promised to stay away, remember?”
    “Nah. I promised to stay away from your gym . Not from you.” He crossed his arms and leaned back on the stylist’s counter before me, as if no one else was there but us. Everyone else was quietly taking us in, albeit pretending to be focused on their task at hand. But Lovello didn’t seem to be the least bit aware of anyone but me.
    Lance Neil, the photo shoot director, came around to us and smiled, more fawningly at Lovello than me. Lovello’s presence was commanding, imposing, intimidating. His posture, his stares, his grim stance were enough to make anyone timid. Even if you didn’t know who he was, his unwavering confidence spoke for him, ensuring the ignorant that he wasn’t just a normal man. “Miss Blacksille? Claire tells me there’s a problem?”
    “No, Lance, there isn’t. It’s this interfering bast —”
    “Yes. There is a problem,” Lovello butted in, pinning a death stare at Lance. “You’re shooting a pale-faced, starved woman to put on the cover of a fitness magazine. See any problem in that?”
    “I’m sorry, um, Mr … ?”
    “Nelson. Lovello Nelson,” he said, arms folded, brow raised.
    Lance Neil’s eyes bulged a fraction at the recognition, then he turned his fawning up a notch. “We have been trying to feed her all morning, but … Miss Blacksille here is not the easiest woman to deal with.”
    “I see. Well, she can’t continue this shoot until she’s fed.”
    “I completely understand that, Mr. Nelson.” Lance turned to me. “What would you like to eat, Miss Blacksille?”
    “Nothing.” I couldn’t believe what was taking place. It’s like I didn’t have a say in anything. In walks Mr. Arrogant Asshole, giving orders as if I were his property.
    Lovello waved his hand dismissively. “Don’t mind her. Chinese. She’ll have Shrimp Fried Rice, extra soy sauce. Fried wontons for appetizers and unsweetened carrot juice. Large.”
    My mouth fell open. Of course, he also knew what I liked in Chinese food. I’d never regretted bringing Trudy that thumb-drive until now. My life has been thoroughly invaded by this man.
    “Okay, sir,” Lance smiled and jogged off.
    Lovello continued with our conversation as if he hadn’t just insinuated to everyone present that I belonged to him, and whatever he says, goes. “I’ve been in L.A. since yesterday. A message in a bottle made me aware that you were here, too. So, I thought I’d stop by and say ‘Hi’.”
    All the while I kept strawing down my delicious Milky Way , never minding the brain freezes.
    “That look on your face right now,” he added, “was worth the stop. Who knew a cup of Milky Way Malt could melt off that cold exterior? Even if it’s just until the cup empties.”
    “Thanks, Pretty Boy,” I mumbled over the straw. “You’ve seen me, fed me and said your ‘Hi’. Appreciated. Now, as you can see, I’m busy. Please leave. You’re a distraction.”
    Before Lovello could answer, Tish stepped between us and handed me a small Cartier gift bag. “Was just delivered for you.”
    “What? Who else knows I’m here? Is there any privacy in my life anymore?” I asked, exhausted, exasperated and frustrated.
    Tish shrugged, then she flashed Lovello a vicious grin and sauntered away.
    Lovello’s brows furrowed as he eyed the gift bag in my hand. I opened the bag and withdrew a small card that wrote:
My heart,
Heard you were in

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