Bed, Breakfast, and You (Brookfield)

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Book: Bed, Breakfast, and You (Brookfield) by Lacey Wolfe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lacey Wolfe
was here all the time anyway.
    She found him in the living room like usual.
    “Jeremy,” Julie said softly, feeling a lump in her throat.
    “Huh?” he responded.
    “We need to talk.”
    “Right now?”
    “It’s important,” she said, starting to feel frustrated.
    “Fine. What?” he snapped and then muted the TV. He turned toward her in his recliner.
    She took a deep breath and blurted out, “I’m pregnant.”
    “You’re what?” His voice was loud now.
    “Please don’t make me say it again.”
    “This is just great! I move you in here, and you get yourself knocked up.” He shook his head, now noticing the test in her hand. “You’re going to have to take care of that.”
    Julie hoped he wasn’t asking her to do what she thought he was. “You don’t mean…” she said.
    “Damn right, I do. I don’t want to be a father.”
    “What if I don’t want to do that?”
    He pointed toward the door.
    “I have to leave?” Julie couldn’t believe what was happening.
    Jeremy didn’t say anything to her. He turned the volume back up on the TV and returned to his show. Julie stood there, dumb-founded. Was this really happening? Not only had her life been turned upside-down by an unexpected pregnancy, but her boyfriend had just told her to have an abortion or leave.
    Doing her best to hold it together, Julie went back to the bedroom. She had a decision to make.
    And here she was. She had chosen the baby. Jeremy hadn’t even given her a second glance as she’d left.
    She grabbed her small suitcase from the back of her car and then headed in to check into Honeycreek Bed and Breakfast. As she stepped up the stairs, the front door opened, and Claire Stevens greeted her.
    “Julie Miller, is that really you?” Claire said.
    “It’s me.” Julie smiled, hugging the woman in front of her. “What are you doing here?”
    “You’re looking at the owner.”
    “I heard the news, and I’m sorry about your loss.”
    “Thanks.” Claire paused a moment, and Julie wondered if the pain was still fresh. “So, tell me, what brings you here?” Claire asked.
    “I need a place to crash for the night, so I’m hoping you have a vacancy,” Julie said.
    “You’re in luck. Come on in, and let’s get you settled. You must be tired after that long drive from New York.”
    Julie followed the petite blonde inside. It was warm and felt like a home away from home, which she was sure was just how Claire wanted her guests to feel.
    Claire fiddled around behind the desk then came over, dangling a key in front of Julie. “I’ll show you to your room.”
    “Do you need a credit card or something before I check in?” Julie reached into her purse.
    “Your night’s on me.” Claire smiled. “There’s a story as to why you’re home, and I want to know it.”
    If only you knew. “Well, thanks. I appreciate it.”
    Claire opened the door to the room Julie would stay in. Julie glanced around, taking in the beautifully decorated room. The furniture was all made of dark wood. The bed had a gorgeous quilt and tons of pillows. Ah, the pillows. She yawned, ready to snuggle in. The last few days had been long and tiring.
    “I can see you’re tired. So I won’t get the details tonight, but we will play catch-up soon,” Claire said.
    “Breakfast in the morning?”
    Julie shook her head. “I think I’m going to get up early and head out to Mom’s. Looking forward to her cooking.”
    A mischievous smile crossed Claire’s face, and she looked as if she had something to say, but Julie was too tired to figure out what.
    “Well, get some rest. Holler if you need anything.” Claire shut the door behind her as she left.
    Kicking her shoes off, Julie wasted no time getting out of her clothes and climbing into the fluffy bed. Turning off the lamp, she pulled the covers up and nestled in. Without even a second thought, she drifted off and had one of the best nights of sleep she’d had in a long time.
    * *

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