War of the World Views: Powerful Answers for an "Evolutionized" Culture

Free War of the World Views: Powerful Answers for an "Evolutionized" Culture by Ken Ham, Bodie Hodge, Carl Kerby, Dr. Jason Lisle, Stacia McKeever, Dr. David Menton

Book: War of the World Views: Powerful Answers for an "Evolutionized" Culture by Ken Ham, Bodie Hodge, Carl Kerby, Dr. Jason Lisle, Stacia McKeever, Dr. David Menton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ken Ham, Bodie Hodge, Carl Kerby, Dr. Jason Lisle, Stacia McKeever, Dr. David Menton
Tags: Religión, Chrisitian, Religion & Science, Christian Science
literal truth of Genesis 1–11. It is time to take our culture back.

    1 . See Mortenson, T., The Great Turning Point: The Church’s Catastrophic Mistake on Geology—Before Darwin (Master Books, 2004) for a full discussion of these men and the battle they fought against these developing old-earth theories and Christian compromises.
    2 . Spurgeon, C.H., Election, The New Park Street Pulpit 1:318, 1990.
    3 . See Pipa, J., and Hall, D., eds., Did God Create in Six Days? pp. 7–16, 2005, for some of the documentation of this sad slide into apostasy.
    4 . Archer, G., A Survey of Old Testament Introduction, p. 187, 1985.
    5 . Ager, D.,The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record, pp. 46–47, 1981.
    6 . Mayr, E., The nature of the Darwinian revolution, Science 176:988, 1972.
    7 . Hutton, J., Theory of the Earth, Trans. of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1788, quoted in Holmes, A., Principles of Physical Geology, pp. 43–44, 1965.
    8 . Cole, H., Popular Geology Subversive of Divine Revelation, pp. ix–x, 44–45 footnote, 1834.

    What’s Wrong with Progressive Creation?
    Ken Ham & Dr. Terry Mortenson
    As we saw in the last chapter, because of the impact of evolutionary thought on our culture, many Christians have compromised with so-called “science” and tried to add millions of years to the Bible. As a result, we have the gap theory, the day-age view, theistic evolution and the framework hypothesis. While these views differ in significant areas, one thing they all have in common is adoption of an evolutionary timescale. Perhaps the most significant movement of late is the view called progressive creationism, championed by Dr. Hugh Ross. This chapter will compare Dr. Ross’s teachings with the Bible and science and show us the dangers of trying to fit the Bible into modern-day scientific theories.
    One result of compromising with our evolutionary culture is the view of creation called the “day-age” theory or “progressive creation.” This view, while not a new one, has received wide publicity in the past several years. Much of this publicity is due to the publications and lectures of astronomer Dr. Hugh Ross—probably the world’s leading progressive creationist. Dr. Ross’s views on how to interpret the book of Genesis won early endorsements from many well-known Christian leaders, churches, seminaries and Christian colleges. The teachings of Dr. Ross seemingly allowed Christians to use the term “creationist” but still gave them supposed academic respectability in the eyes of the world by rejecting six literal days of creation and maintaining billions of years. However, after his views became more fully understood, many who had previously embraced progressive creation realized how bankrupt those views are and removed their endorsement.
    In this chapter some of the teachings of progressive creation will be examined in light of Scripture and good science. For a more complete analysis, see the book
Refuting Compromise
by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati.
    In summary, progressive creation teaches:
The big bang origin of the universe occurred about 16 billion years ago.
The days of creation were overlapping periods of millions and billions of years.
Over millions of years, God created new species as others kept going extinct.
The record of nature is just as perfect as the Word of God.
Death, bloodshed and disease existed before Adam and Eve.
Manlike creatures that behaved much like us (and painted on cave walls) existed before Adam and Eve but did not have a spirit and thus had no hope of salvation.
The Genesis Flood was a local event.
    The Big Bang Origin of the Universe
    Progressive creation teaches that the modern big bang theory of the origin of the universe is true and has been proven by scientific inquiry and observation. For Hugh Ross and others like him, big bang cosmology becomes the basis by which the Bible is interpreted. This includes belief that the universe and the earth are billions of years old. Dr. Ross even

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