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Book: LUCAS by V.A. Dold Read Free Book Online
Authors: V.A. Dold
something else. Was that desire sparking in her gaze? He wasn’t sure; the scent of her trepidation diluted everything. He held onto the small hope he’d seen heat flair for a moment. Neither moved. Energy began to spark between them like electricity. The undercurrent of awareness had grown stronger throughout the evening.
    Lucas directed their last few steps until he pressed her against the car. Holding her gaze, he breathed, “I need to kiss you. Please, Kensie, take pity on me.” Slowly, he lowered his lips to hers. Expecting rejection.
    He kept the kiss soft and sweet. Lips brushed lips, barely a touch, but enough to ease his need. He wanted so much more, and would have it, just not tonight. She gave him a great gift. Most would scoff at the idea such a small peck of a kiss was anything special. But most weren’t Kensie. He understood that.
    Leaning his forehead against hers, he steadied his breathing. “Thank you.” Without waiting for a reply, he reached around her and opened her door. She hesitated for a moment, then slid in. Kensie never said a word. Then again, she hadn’t pushed him away or slapped his face either. He would chalk that up as another small victory.
    The ranch was only fifteen miles from town. The drive home felt more like one hundred. Could time drag any slower?
    Finally, the turn for the drive that wound its way to the main house appeared in his headlights. Thank Goddess.
    His body thrummed like a humming birds wings, cooped up next to Kensie yet unable to hold her.
    He parked the car and threw open his door. He never took his eyes off her as he rounded the passenger side. She heard him mutter something incoherent under his breath. Was he angry with her?
    Incongruent to his mood, he gently helped her from the car. His behavior was so confusing she wasn’t prepared for the sudden impact of her body pulled hard against his. For a long few seconds he just held her. His arms wrapped tightly, ensured their entire lengths came into contact. When she felt his hold ease she stared up at his expression. Unaware of her own sex appeal, her gaze slipped from his eyes to his parted lips. Oblivious, she nearly gave him heart failure.
    Lucas groaned, devoured her with his eyes, battled both his and his wolf’s need of this woman. He tried valiantly to honor his promise. Willed his arms to drop away. He failed miserably when she looked at him and he saw desire in her eyes.
    “I’m sorry, Kensie. I tried.” Lacing his fingers through her hair, he tipped her head back. His eyes held her in a trance as his lips descended. He kissed her softly, teased and licked. Enticed her to open for him.
    A thump sounded as her purse hit the ground. Kensie hadn’t noticed she dropped it as she slid her arms up and around his neck. Tentatively, like a frightened wild animal she kissed him back.
    One hand stayed in her hair while the other skimmed to her hip kneading for a moment before cupping her perfect tush and cradled her body to his. Damn, she felt like heaven. Every soft curve and dip fit him seamlessly. His mind fizzled out and he completely forgot about going slow. Lemon meringue and woodsy pine mingled and swirled. Blending faster and faster as their passion raged.
    Inside the main house, Krystal peeked through the blinds. She wasn’t spying on the kiss, she was watching their aura’s stretch and intermingle until there was only one aura encompassing the couple. The more time they spent together the tighter the weave of their auras would become. Not only would their unmated souls reach for the other, their auras would as well. This plan was working perfectly.
    Lucas only intended to indulge one tiny kiss. When Kensie wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back, something gave way. He pulled her closer until they shared one skin, grinding his rock hard erection into the junction of her thighs.
    When she slanted her head and deepened their kiss, he lost all control. His tongue dove into the hot sweet depths

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