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Book: LUCAS by V.A. Dold Read Free Book Online
Authors: V.A. Dold
of her mouth. She arched her body and pressed her breasts into his chest, he thought he would go mad if he didn’t have her. Before he knew what he was doing, he trailed kisses along her jaw and down her neck. Lapping at the place he reserved for his bite, his fangs elongated as he prepared to mark her. Dammit!
    With strength of will he didn’t realize he possessed, he eased her arms from around his neck. Kensie’s soft whimper tore at his soul. Breathing hard and shaking like a newborn colt trying to stand he step back. If he stayed near her there would be no stopping and she wasn’t ready for that. Blood pounded in his veins and his groin was on fire. No amount of cold showers would dowse this raging firestorm. How the hell was he going to survive the night?
    Kensie would swear on a stack of bibles, she was on fire. When Lucas took his heat away from her, every cell in her body screamed in dismay. She still felt his lips on hers, his tongue on her neck, his hands...
    Her body desperately wanted to pull him close again, her mind had other ideas.
    Lucas raked his fingers through his hair and jammed his cowboy hat back in place. He needed to pull himself together. He wasn’t a randy teenager anymore. He would walk Kensie to her cabin without throwing her to the ground and stripping her bare. Shit, that thought produced images he didn’t need in his mind at the moment.
    Taking a deep breath, he held out his hand to Kensie. “Please, allow me to walk you home. I promise I will keep my hands and every other part of me to myself.”
    Kensie took her own shaky breath and bravely took his hand. “Thank you, for being a gentleman. I don’t know what got into me. I’ve never behaved so wantonly before.”
    He gave her a sweet smile and squeezed her hand. “You weren’t the only one being wanton, cher.”
    He followed her up the two steps to the porch. “I won’t sugarcoat the way I feel, Kensie. I need you. My body aches for yours, but tonight we got carried away. When we take that step, we’re going to do it with the understanding we’re both ready.”
    “I always seem to be thanking you. I appreciate you understanding where I’m coming from. Besides, I’m only here for a week, so maybe the wise choice would be to avoid certain... things.” She put the key in the lock and turned it.
    He panicked. He wasn’t ready to let her go yet. Spinning her around he pulled her close and kissed her hard.
    All rational excuses to deny him evaporated as physical need swamped her again, and carried her away on crashing waves of desire. Her head swam in a cloud of delirious bliss.
    When he pulled back and pressed his forehead against hers. She slowly floated back to earth and stark reality.
    “Your scent drives me wild.” His voice was soft and beguiling.
    Kensie quivered as sensations danced over her skin everywhere he touched her. When he nuzzled her neck, her knees buckled. Luckily, Lucas held her tightly and she didn’t find herself on the floor. Good lord, she wanted that man. If her brain would shut up for ten minutes she might give in to her desire. All she needed to do was invite him in...but her brain shouted what about afterwards!
    Afterwards, she would go back to Minnesota and she would never see him again. As much as she didn’t have relationships and had no issue with one-night stands to ease physical needs, she couldn’t bring herself to do that with Lucas.
    “Damn, I’m sorry, Kensie. I did it again.” Lucas huffed out a breath and stepped back, but retained hold of her arms.
    “I’m flattered you want me, Lucas, but you, as well as I, know I’m leaving in six days.” She glanced up. He was breathing hard and his eyes still blazed with hunger.
    “Yeah, well don’t pack your bags. If I have my way, that’s going to change.”
    He raised an eyebrow in hopeful question, his eyes filled with yearning. He could feel the power of her longing pulse through her. He smelled her fear and

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