Free LUCAS by V.A. Dold

Book: LUCAS by V.A. Dold Read Free Book Online
Authors: V.A. Dold
made her act and think so outrageously?
    Lucas enjoyed the byplay between Thelma and his mate. Her soft brown eyes glittered with laughter and mischief. He loved seeing her relaxed and happy. Needless to say, his body and wolf responded eagerly. It took an immense amount of will power to remain on his side of the table when all he wanted to do was claim her sweet, sexy lips.
    Kensie turned that smile on him – a joyful, heart-stopping smile, before catching herself and reverting to the prim surgeon persona she hid behind. Lucas’s heart soared and as quickly plunged to his feet. He wanted to see her smile like that at him again.
    Lucas heard Kensie’s soft moan of satisfaction as she set her silverware across her empty dinner plate. When she dabbed the corners of her mouth with her napkin, his slacks about burst. He’d fought his body’s urges for the past forty-five minutes. He wanted to feel those lips on his. Needed to feel her lips more than he needed air.
    All throughout dinner, he'd been much too aware of the woman only inches away. Purposely, he brushed his leg against hers several times throughout the meal. He and his wolf needed the intimate contact with their mate. He knew each casual touch sent a jolt through Kensie. He’d felt the shockwave. Fed her desire. Pulled her further into their budding relationship.
    He knew she would fight her attraction for him every step of the way. Lucas sensed and smelled her reluctance and resolve. Well, he would dig his feet in and use every trick in the book if need be. Kensie liked her life neat and tidy, all planned out and scheduled. Then he came along and threw a wrench into the middle of everything. Oddly, he sensed sadness and loneliness, too. Something was off and he intended to find out what was wrong and fix it.
    Kensie may be a successful doctor, but she still had some lessons to learn. Life wasn’t designed to be lived on a schedule. Life was messy and exhilarating and sometimes dangerous. You could exist on a schedule, but to live, you must allow yourself to wing it once in a while and see what the universe presented to you. In his experience, by going with the flow, the gifts you received unexpectedly were priceless.
    Thelma walked by topping off everyone’s coffee cups. “Y’all want a cup before you go home?”
    Lucas deferred to Kensie. She shook her head. “No, thank you, Thelma. The caffeine will keep me up all night.”
    Turning his attention back to Thelma, he said. “Just the bill, please Thelma. Thank you.”
    Thelma grinned a much too knowing smile. “You got it, Romeo.” She winked and left to prepare their receipt.

Chapter 7
    Lucas’s proprietary hand never left the small of Kensie’s back as he escorted her from the restaurant. She was his, and he let every man in the area know, without a shadow of a doubt, he staked his claim.
    They stepped into a warm, clear night. A steady breeze offered cooling relief from the heat of the day. But a little breeze wasn’t going to be enough to cool his burning need. Even the air-conditioned interior hadn’t provided an adequate reprieve. Only Kensie naked beneath him would ease his discomfort.
    A billion stars lit the never-ending Texas sky. Kensie had never seen anything so breathtaking. Where she lived, the lights of the city obscured the brilliance of the night until she forgot the wonder that was there to behold.
    “Did you have a good time tonight?” Lucas asked as they neared the car.
    Pulled from her reverie, she glanced his way. “Yes, I did. Thank you.”
    That small turn of her head allowed the breeze to catch her hair, sending wisps across her face. Without thinking, he tucked the strands behind her delicate ear. Her skin was incredible, soft and warm, like silk beneath his fingertips. To hell with his good intentions of giving her time and going slowly, he needed to kiss her before he died from wanting.
    Kensie stiffened. Her eyes wide with apprehension mixed with

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