The Face In The Mirror

Free The Face In The Mirror by Barbara Stewart

Book: The Face In The Mirror by Barbara Stewart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Stewart
it was intimate, it was sexual, and it
was exciting. I’d never felt anything like this before.
Please let me be ready…
As he held me, he unzipped my dress and let it fall to the floor, and like the
gentleman he was, he picked it up and put it on a hanger so I didn’t have to
worry about going home and my dad finding me with wrinkled clothes. I stood
before him in my panties and bra.
“I’m nervous,” I told him, honestly.
“Me too,” he replied.
“Yes, Renie. I’ve never met anyone I wanted to go to this place with.”
“Mitchell,” I said with tears rolling down my cheeks, “I can’t even tell you
what I’m feeling.”
“I can. Excited, anxious, scared… but ready,” he said. “Right?”
“All of that,” I said and added, “I hope I’m ready.”
His hands touched skin that had only been explored and teased through
the fabric of whatever I was wearing before. It got more heated, more exciting,
more passionate…
“Mitchell,” I said breathlessly.
“Do you want me to stop? Because as hard as that would be, I will.”
“No! No, I don’t want you to stop! I want to tell you I’m on birth control!”
I said.
“You’re what?”
“I think my mom anticipated this. She took me to the doctor about six
weeks ago.”
“I have condoms, too,” he said. “God, Renie, you’re so beautiful. I want
this so bad, but I want it right for you. Are you sure?”
“I’m sure, Mitchell. I think,” I said, and we both laughed.
    He led me to the bed and I waited as he undressed. Finally, he scooted in
beside me and pulled me closer. We shared sweet kisses that soon became
more frantic and heated. Finally, his hands were at my back. I felt my bra open
and he eased me up as he pulled it away.
“The light,” he said, breathlessly. “The glow of the light on your skin…”
    His hands went tenderly to my breasts, lightly caressing. He leaned lower to
kiss them. I felt his tongue explore and I thought I would lose my mind!
He rolled to his side, running his hand up my legs, and the closer he got,
the more unbelievable it felt.
“No, not yet…”
“Oh, my God…”
“I know,” he grinned.
His fingers skimmed the elastic of my panties, finally finding their way
under the fabric and I thought I’d go absolutely, completely mad. I’d never felt
anything like what I felt in that instant. I never dreamed that a single touch
could drive someone insane, but Mitchell’s touch did just that.
He stopped, and I wanted to scream, ‘NO!’ I never wanted him to stop. I
pulled him closer and he whispered one word in my ear.
We both laughed nervously, slowing our pace. He slipped my panties off,
and then his shorts. Our naked bodies found each other, bare skin touching
wherever we came together.
“Are you ready?”
“I don’t know… yes… I think… no, I hope so.” Please let me be ready…
I reached for him. “No,” he said. “I’ll lose it right now if you touch me.”
A moment later the condom was on. “Relax,” he said. With his hand, he
guided himself inside me. It was slow and awkward.
“Are you alright?” he asked.
“Yes, just go slow.”
It was uncomfortable at first, and I was so nervous. I moved beneath him,
making it easier for both of us, and with each millimeter that he went deeper,
my heart sang of the love I felt for him. I knew that this was a turning point for
us. I would no longer be Mitchell’s girlfriend. Now I would be his lover.
He hovered over me, looking into my eyes, and I thought I could see him
thinking what I guessed were the same thoughts as mine. He lowered his body
to rest on mine, pausing a moment as time seemed to stand still. I felt a
throbbing, like a heartbeat, only the throb wasn’t coming from my heart, or his.
He eased up, and then down. He did it again, and then he exploded.
    After, we lay there, trying to catch our breath. He kissed me and rolled off
to lie beside me, and I was happier than I could

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