In Safe Keeping

Free In Safe Keeping by Lee Christine

Book: In Safe Keeping by Lee Christine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Christine
beginning, she’d told herself it meant she was ready to dip her toe into the dating scene again, that she needed male companionship, needed sex.
    Now, she feared it meant her heart was open, and that wouldn’t do. An open heart made her vulnerable to manipulation, and she would never allow that to happen again.
    Finally, she found her voice.
    ‘Wow, a desperate widow and a football groupie, all rolled into one package and sitting at your table. You must have thought all your Christmases had come at once.’
    Suddenly the fingers of his good hand were on her chin and he was turning her head, forcing her to look into stormy grey eyes. ‘It wasn’t a one-night stand. I kept coming back, didn’t I?’
    She laid a hand on her chest. ‘Consider me duly grateful.’
    As always, he remained in control, refusing to retaliate to her undisciplined sarcasm. ‘We’ll continue this conversation when we get to your place.’
    ‘Like hell we will.’
    He released her chin, and they sat in stony silence for the remainder of the half-hour journey.
    Laila had her keys in her hand when the driver pulled up in front of her house. It was a welcome sight. All she wanted was to soak in the bath, make some coffee and find out about the state of her office.
    Evan and his bloody notoriety could just take a hike.
    The moment the car stopped, she flung the door open and climbed out.
    ‘Hold the cab,’ she heard him say, and then he was right behind her as she unlatched the small, wrought-iron gate leading into her front garden.
    ‘I don’t want you to come in.’ She flung the words over her shoulder and stepped onto the wooden bullnose veranda.
    ‘Calm down,’ he growled in her ear, taking absolutely no notice and following her inside when she unlocked the door. ‘I’m not going to drive off in the middle of our first fight.’
    Exasperated, Laila turned on him. ‘Our first fight suggests we’re still together, and we’re not …’
    His mouth landed on hers, stealing her breath and turning her protest into a needy moan. He growled low down in his throat, one warm hand sliding down her arm, fingers entwining with hers. He walked her backwards until she was against the wall, his mouth devouring hers with a dominance that left her in no doubt about how much he desired her.
    Blood pounded through Laila’s veins, skin turning to gooseflesh even as heat engulfed her from the inside. She nipped his bottom lip. He groaned and kissed her harder. But when she scraped her teeth against his he pulled away, raised her arms above her head and pinned them with his good hand.
    Thigh to rigid thigh, chest to heaving breasts, he crowded her with his body.
    ‘Tell me, Laila.’ His voice was ragged, lips hovering a hair’s breadth from hers. ‘Tell me I’ve only been turning up here because you’re an easy lay.’
    She closed her eyes against his blazing ones.
    ‘Don’t close your eyes.’ He pressed his rock-hard erection to the sensitive spot between her legs, making her squirm. ‘Look at me, and say it .’
    He was forcing her to face her own accusation, daring her to repeat it when he was only heartbeats away from taking her. She realised then that she didn’t actually believe it. Oh, she was disappointed, hurt, and jealous as hell of that bloody nurse, but she knew in her heart he came to her because he wanted her.
    Laila opened her eyes and looked into his handsome face — this man that she was only now beginning to know. ‘I can’t. I know it’s not true.’
    He expelled a deep breath and released her wrists, pushing away from the wall just as a horn blast came from outside.
    Laila glanced at the front door. They’d end up in bed any second, and it wasn’t right. They both had responsibilities, places to be, appointments to reschedule.
    ‘You have a meter running out there.’
    ‘I have a meter running right here .’ He made a fist with his good hand and thumped it against his chest.
    Fighting her own desire,

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