Angel Bait (Angel Assassins #1)

Free Angel Bait (Angel Assassins #1) by Tricia Skinner

Book: Angel Bait (Angel Assassins #1) by Tricia Skinner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tricia Skinner
    “This thing is a demon spawn, and you are the whore of a Renegade,” Aean said, his voice fueled by malice.
    The woman turned pleading eyes on Kaonos, and then on Tanis. “I sinned. He did not. Please, masters of Heaven, spare my son. I freely give my life for his. Please, I beg you for mercy!”
    Tanis had heard the pleas of countless men and demons during his service to Heaven. None moved him to act against his duty. Why should he feel anything for her and the boy? He looked at the child still struggling in Kaonos’ hold, his eyes focused only on the mother’s tear streaked face.
    He felt … wrong. Throw him into the pits of Hell and make him battle hell spawn with his bare hands and he would do so without an afterthought. Send him to murder women and children … .
    “Release him.”
    Kaonos and Aean gasped.
    “What? Do you mean to disobey our orders?” Kaonos sounded incredulous. The boy fell to the hard-packed earth.
    Tanis’ wings flared wide and he knew the cold stare he leveled on the soldier would silence further questions. The woman stumbled to the boy’s side and scooped him into her trembling arms. She kissed her son, smoothing back his wild hair, while she whispered soothing words in his ear. In return, the boy — Jarrid — wrapped his thin arms around his mother in a fierce embrace while the death squad watched.
    “Earth to Tanis.” He looked up to find Jarrid standing near him, arms crossed over his broad chest. Gone was the gangly youth who dared stand up to seasoned fighters. Yes, they’d come a very long way since their first meeting.
    “You fuck up and you’re booted from the bubblegum gang,” Tanis said.
    “Guess I won’t fuck up.”
    “If they catch wind of what you’re up to, they’ll rip out your Grace one sliver at a time.”
    Jarrid gave a lazy shrug and moved to the door. Whatever doubt his son had felt earlier was gone. The man’s spine was straight, his gait sure.
    “Ionie will draw out the Renegade. Case closed.”
    Tanis ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t like this.”
    “She won’t get hurt on my watch. But don’t mistake me. I’ll use whatever I must to pull this off.”
    “Like risking an innocent woman?” Tanis asked the question, but Jarrid didn’t answer. The nephilim who was once a scared boy walked out of the study, and left his mother’s killer standing alone.

    Ionie couldn’t believe how odd the Stronghold seemed with its mishmash of modern conveniences, bygone decor, and men too handsome to be real. After Jarrid left with Tanis, gallant Cain offered her a tour of their home, complete with introductions to the other residents.
    They found the first in the game room. His legs splayed across the couch while an Xbox controller took a beating from his oversized hands. Ionie didn’t know what game he played, but a string of curses told her he wasn’t happy with the outcome.
    “For fuck’s sake, where the hell is the save point?”
    Cain’s gentle hand touched her back. “That’s Kasdeja, the geeky one.”
    She offered a smile. Slouched as he was, Kasdeja’s body swallowed the couch. “He’s huge.”
    Cain’s throaty laugh rang out.
    “Oh God, did I say that out loud?” she said, wincing. “I meant, he seems … ”
    “Ginormous?” Cain luminous eyes held a hint of mischief. “I guess you never heard tales of the nephilim when you were a kid?”
    She scanned her memories. “Biblical accounts of your kind are thought to be fairy tales. Other than scattered passages, I’m not sure there’s anything solid written about you.”
    Her guide leaned against the wall. “Nephilim were wiped from the histories of Men. One or two bits slipped through the cracks, but most of the shit you’d find is pretty weak.”
    “Like what?” She readied herself for some juicy insider information when she saw Kasdeja raise an eyebrow, stand, and plod over to them. Ionie paused to ogle the walking myth. Like Jarrid and Cain,

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