
Free UnBurdened by Bethany Bazile

Book: UnBurdened by Bethany Bazile Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bethany Bazile
Tags: Romance
stomach as I hear the shower
shut off. I push the door and creep in. His back is turned from me, the strong
muscular lines of his back are pebbled with water. He’s rubbing a towel on his
hair as I quietly step behind him sliding my hands around him and grabbing a
handful of smooth, hot heaven.
    “No, no, no," he shouts jumping out of my grasp and
turning abruptly. I’ve never witnessed a look of disgust shift to pure joy so
rapidly. “Oh my god! What are you doing here?” a mesmerizing grin appears on
his lip as he pulls me into his arms.
    Oh yes! Hot naked Brayden Quinn feels amazing in my
arms.  Butterflies flutter in my stomach just smelling his fresh skin. “I
thought you were coming in the morning?”
    “I couldn’t wait that long so I booked an earlier flight,” I
gaze into those amazing sapphire eyes. “I missed you.”
    “I missed you too baby,” he whispers, locked in my hypnotic
gaze. He breaks the trance first, leaning down to claim my lips in a searing
hot kiss. I run my hands over his taut shoulders and back, stopping at his rock
hard ass to pull his already rising cock against me.
    I break away from his lips, licking warm beads of water from
his neck. Needing to taste more of him I drop to my knees and run my tongue up
his thigh then on the underside of his beautiful erection. I want to stay down
here worshipping at his feet all night, his responding hiss informs me that
he’d let me. As I slide him deep into my throat he grabs a handful of my hair
and grips it hard. The painful sensation excites me, I love the animal in him
and I love when he tries to reign me in—tame me.
    His breathing increases, coming out in short puffs of air as
his hip begin to pump, thrusting his stiff rod in and out my mouth. From his
erratic movements I know it won’t be long before he loses his battle. I reach
between his legs and massage his tight sac in my hand.
    “Ohh Kerri,” he moans loudly. His arousal thickens in my
mouth as hot jets of his milk fills my mouth.
    “Umm" I moan, running my tongue over his rim as he
continues coming.
    “Brayden you have to be—” Mandy bursts in causing Brayden to
jerk deeper into my throat. I hold his hips firm as she gapes at me with
Brayden’s jumbo size rod in my mouth. Anger surges though my veins as I release
my suction hold on him and lean back on my haunches. I run my hand over my face
trying to calm my violent urges.
    Brayden quickly wraps a towel around his waist. Mandy didn’t
even have the decency to leave. “What do you want Mandy,” Brayden snaps
obviously upset at the interruption. I know he remembers how long I’m capable
of drawing out his orgasm.
    “Uh…meet and greet—five minutes,” she turns and slams the
door behind her.
    Brayden turn to me with pleading eyes, “I’m sorry Kerri. She
didn’t know you were here.”
    “It doesn’t matter,” I say standing up and getting in his
face. “She walked into the bathroom Brayden, obviously you would be undressed
whether I’m here or not.” I take a deep breath and walk to the sink as he
leaves the bathroom wordlessly. I throw some water on my face and look at my
reflection in the mirror. My eyebrows are furrowed, my cheeks are pink, and I
need to calm down.
    Brayden comes up behind me a few minutes later fully dressed
and wraps his arms around my waist. “Mandy’s been with us since the beginning
and it’s hard to break a habit. She’s like my brother only in women’s clothes.
Nothing has or ever will happen between us.” He probably thinks I don’t trust
him. I just don’t trust her and hate that she think she has a right to invade
every aspect of his life, even his intimate life.
    “Did you talk to her yet?” I challenge him. His eyes dart
away from me, he exhales deeply, “Not yet but after tonight I will.”
    “Brayden” I turn facing him. “You just don’t get it and I
don’t want to argue with you so I’m going to have someone bring me to a hotel.
I don’t even want to see

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