The Mile High Club

Free The Mile High Club by Rachel Kramer Bussel

Book: The Mile High Club by Rachel Kramer Bussel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Kramer Bussel
    I heard the whisper of their hands as they fumbled against the fabric. First Justin’s came off, and then Eric’s was removed. Eric was still seated in the pilot’s chair, Justin in the aisle between us. Their naked chests rose and fell as they panted. As I looked down, I could see that Justin was getting hard.
    “Eric,” I said. They both turned to look at me. I took a piece of heavy black fabric from my pocket. “Put on this blindfold.” Without a word, he took it from my hand and brought it up to his eyes, tying it securely in the back.
    “Now, Eric,” I said. “Put your hands on the controls. I’m going to give you control of the airplane.”
    “But…” He began to protest, but I cut him off.
    “You don’t need to see. You only need to listen to my voice, and do everything I say. Do you understand?”
    “Yes,” he whispered. He put his hands on the controls.
    “Good.” I flipped the switch, allowing him to control the plane again. “Now unzip your pants. Pull them down.” He did as I said, keeping one hand on the plane as he lowered his pants halfway down his thighs. He was hardening more each second.
    I turned to the aisle and kissed Justin hard on the mouth. “Justin,” I said. “I want to watch you blow him.”
    Justin smiled. I watched Eric’s dick twitch with excitement as I said this. Slowly, Justin crouched near the pilot’s seat. Beneath the blindfold, Eric allowed this stranger to position his mouth over his naked lap. I heard Eric’s sharp intake of breath as Justin brought his lips to Eric’s cock. He took it into his mouth, moving his lips slowly along the shaft. It was completely hard now.
    I slipped my hands inside the waistband of my pants, testing my pussy. It was soaking. I almost ached I wanted it so badly. I
watched the horizon tilt and felt a queasy but strangely pleasant feeling in my belly as the plane moved.
    “Watch your pitch,” I said. “Tilt down a little.” He did as I said. “A little more. There. Perfect.” He obeyed, now holding his hands perfectly still.
    Justin was moving faster now, taking him in completely each time. He used one hand to tug gently on Eric’s balls. The other he used to stroke the shaft with each movement of his mouth. Eric leaned his head back against the seat. I could see his Adam’s apple move up and down with each intake of air. It looked strange and beautiful to me. I reached out and gripped the back of Justin’s head as he moved it faster all the time. At the same time, I continued to push against my clit.
    I could see that Eric was close to coming, so I gripped Justin’s hair and eased him away. I checked several dials again and flipped control of the plane back to me.
    “Eric, you can take your hands off the controls now.” He did. He was eager to continue, every one of his senses heightened. “Get in the aisle,” I said. “Kneel down next to me.”
    Eric shifted himself, moving into the aisle. Obediently, he knelt near me, his blindfolded face touching my armrest. Justin knelt behind him.
    “Eric,” I asked. “Are you going to do what I say?”
    “Do you want to come?”
    “God, yes,” he pleaded.
    “Justin, fuck him,” I said simply.
    As soon as I said it, I heard Eric’s sudden intake of breath. He was obviously nervous, but still so excited. Somehow, I enjoyed his fear and uncertainty. I looked into the back. Obviously, Justin enjoyed it too.
    I saw the look of hunger on his face as he began to pull his
pants down. His cock was huge and hard. It had been for a while. I reached back, handing him a condom which he quickly put on. As he did this, I removed a small bottle of lube from my pocket and passed it back. Justin rubbed some over his erection, stroking himself several times. Eric leaned forward against my chair, arching his back against Justin, trying to entice him.
    “Is this what you want?” Justin asked, rubbing against him, teasing him.
    I continued to touch myself, plunging my

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