OVERFALLS (The Merworld Water Wars, Book 2)
I could say it gave me more relief than it actually did, though I suppose some relief is better than none.
    “Try not to worry. In an hour, it will all be over,” said a man from somewhere behind me.
    “It’s the definition of ‘over’ that worries me,” I said, groaning.
    With a slight chuckle, the man said, “I can certainly understand why. Though I do have faith in the system.”
    “Then you really don’t know…the…Imperia.” When I turned to face the mysterious, yet strangely calming voice, pure shock slowed my speech. This man wasn’t simply handsome or good-looking...this man was beautiful. He was broadly built, standing about six feet tall, with light brown hair and dark eyes that could undoubtedly see into one’s soul. In other words, he was head-to-toe sex in a suit…an Imperia suit. “You’re one of them . What, did they think bringing in the hot Imperia dude to personally administer some form of top secret punishment would melt our girly little hearts and have us jumping through fiery hoops?”
    “Well, they obviously gravely underestimated the strength of your mind…and tongue for that matter. No, I’m only here to see that things go smoothly and fairly. As in any governmental branch, there are those who have a different mindset from the majority.”
    “Perhaps,” I said, raising an eyebrow.
    “Luxton Vipor,” he said, smiling. “Call me Vipor.”
    “Marina Valentine. Call me toast…or fugitive, depending on how things go tonight.”
    “Well, Miss Valentine, toasted, fugitive, or otherwise, it has been a pleasure.” He bowed before heading off to consult with the albino, Prax Graytone.
    The Imperia elite, having replaced their usual gray shirts with disturbingly dark red ones for the occasion, took their seats at the high bench, with Mr. Anderson, Principal Jeepers, Treeva, and Kyle Zale assuming the same seats as last time.
    “We should probably take a seat. Looks like they’re about to begin,” said Troy, placing his hands on my hips.
    “You’re cutting it close. Where have you been?” I asked.
    “Last minute prep. Nothing for you to worry about.” He kissed the top of my head and took my hand. “Come on.”
    “Nothing for me to worry about,” I said, walking with him to our respective seats. “You do realize that just turned my worry bug into a beast, right?”
    Troy simply smirked and kissed my hand before letting go. Even though we were only sitting across the aisle from one another, it seemed like a canyon had grown between us.
    Slamming his marble gavel three times, Prax Graytone spoke in his smooth, venomous tone that made my skin crawl. “Doors, lock now.” The sounds of locks clicking into place made the quiet courtroom feel like a coffin being lowered into its final resting place. “I’d like to welcome two new faces to today’s hearing. First, we have Luxton Vipor, Imperia Guardian.”
    Vipor, seated next to Mr. Anderson, stood, bowed to the room, and deliberately met my curious gaze with a nod. I quickly shifted my attention to Troy, who glowered dangerously at the new Imperia representative.
    “Mr. Vipor is here to ensure every side of every story is heard and reasoned. Consider him our devil’s advocate. We are very pleased to have our next guest with us tonight. Not only has she graciously aided us with her special talents for tonight’s proceedings—like acquiescing door locks—but she has also provided much needed insight into the minds of the banished students—Madame Helena Hambourg.”
    “And the night just keeps getting better,” Mom groaned.
    The smallish door behind the high bench opened and out walked the woman I hoped to never see again. With her lime hair piled high atop her head, and her icy, orange eyes piercing each Normal through the skull like icicles, Madame Helena slinked into the courtroom wearing her signature smug smile. While Ophelia whimpered and diverted her eyes, Trey, Meikle, and I gladly met Madame Helena’s arctic

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