Deceitfully Yours

Free Deceitfully Yours by Bethany Bazile

Book: Deceitfully Yours by Bethany Bazile Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bethany Bazile
daytime, sunlight pours in through its floor-to ceiling-windows. The smell of fresh coffee floats through the air. Jude’s shirtless form is on the back deck, looking out over the lake. My fingers ache to have my camera to capture this perfect image. His pajama bottoms ride low enough to reveal the little divots over his tight butt, tempting beyond belief.
    I stop at the coffee machine and pour myself a cup before slipping out the sliding door that connects the kitchen to the deck. He doesn’t turn as I approach , but I can tell he knows I’m coming. The muscles in his back tense, and his trance breaks as he moves his head away from the spot he was staring at.
    “Morning,” I say, stopping next him and leaning against the railing.
    “Did you sleep well?” he asks without looking at me.
    “ Better than most nights.” I realize I’ve revealed more than planned with my comment.
    He finally looks at me . “You have trouble sleeping?”
    “Not really.” I quickly change the subject and hope he’s satisfied with my answer. “This is an amazing view.”
    He watches me silently, making me slightly uncomfortable. As though he can read my thoughts and see my deep secrets. If that were the case, he would kick me out of his life and save himself from the trouble that comes along with me.
    “I have to go into the city in another hour. Will you come back tonight?”
    I me et his questioning gaze and shrug my shoulders. “Do you want me to come back?”
    He runs a hand through his already disheveled hair and looks back out onto the water. “That’ s the problem, Kylie. I’m starting to think I want to keep you here.”
    Oh… It’s good to know I’m not the only person feeling this way. “Okay.” I know there was never any question I’d come back.
    He glances back at me with a dark look of passion before he reaches out and tangles a hand into my hair. He pulls my face against his bare chest and says, “Be here by seven. Don’t make me come get you.” He leans down, and I think he sniffs my hair. “’Cause I’d definitely drag you back here if I had to.”
    He releases me and walks back into the kitchen. Jude Baxter is officially my new weakness , and I’m selfishly pursuing something I know won’t end well for either of us. Even if I do what Mason wants, I’ll never be able to forgive myself for betraying Jude. And if I betray Mason…
    I won’t even allow myself to think of how catastrophic the outcome would be. I take a deep breath and breathe in the fresh country air. No matter what happens, I have to promise myself to live in the moment. This may be the only happiness I’ll ever have. When this is over and I’m alone in my bed, I want to remember this place and the man that consumed me in every way.
    When I get home, Stacia is sitting at the kitchen counter worrying her lip. She darts up and meets me in the living room. “Where have been?” she exclaims.
    “I told you I was meeting up with Jude.” I walk through the apartment and down the hall to my bedroom.
    Stacia follows close behind me. “Yes, for dinner, not for breakfast in bed.”
    I spin around at the doorway to my room , and she collides with me. “What’s really bothering you, Stacia?”
    She takes a step back and sighs. “Mason was here again last night.”
    I should’ve figured her jittery behavior was due to Mason. “What did he want?” He doesn’t usually stop by so often anymore. He has faith our fear of him will keep us in line.
    “He didn’t say , but I think he was checking in on you.”
    “I’m not doing anything I’m not supposed to. He’s the one who sent me on this job.” I begin to pull off my clothes and change into my T-shirt and sweats. Stacia stares at me in disbelief.
    “Kylie, what you’re doing is not part of the job. I knew from the minute he sent you in after Jude that this would end badly. I never dreamed you would fall for him. I mean, you’ve been so frigid toward men

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