The Deeper Game (Taken Hostage by Hunky Bank Robbers Book 3)

Free The Deeper Game (Taken Hostage by Hunky Bank Robbers Book 3) by Annika Martin

Book: The Deeper Game (Taken Hostage by Hunky Bank Robbers Book 3) by Annika Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annika Martin
to park in and a scuffed-up secret door that takes you underground into foreboding series of tunnels, eventually leading you to an elevator that whisks you upwards.
    Even the floor Guvvey’s occupies isn’t a real floor. Zeus explained once that it’s a between-floors floor. The regular elevators don’t stop at it.
    Zeus swung a protective arm around me, and Thor set a hand on the small of my back as we walked into Guvvey’s. Odin trailed behind, on the lookout no doubt. I was used to being flanked by my guys, but nothing like this. It gave me the shivers.
    It was midnight—early still—but the place was full of people and thrumming with music. We moved across the dark expanse and took a booth, the four of us, with me sandwiched in between Zeus and Odin.
    My guys were on high alert, looking discreetly all around. I ordered a champagne, and they ordered sodas.
    “Wait,” I said, “change mine to soda if we’re not drinking.”
    “No, keep her champagne,” Zeus said, sending the waiter away. “You deserve it,” he said. “You get to drink what you prefer. We’re on the job.” He touched a finger under my chin and lowered his voice. “We won’t let anything happen to you, Isis.” He paused, seeming like he was about to say something, and I had the wild thought that he was going to say we love you , but he simply let his hand slide to my bare shoulder where it rested, heavy and warm. He smiled and kissed me. “You look beautiful.”
    “Thank you.” I was wearing a red, one-shoulder dress they all really liked. My guys were in sports coats, all the better to conceal lots of weaponry. Not that you needed to conceal at Guvvey’s, but they were packing an unusual amount.
    “You think he’s going to show up?”
    “Very likely,” Odin said. “He needs a reaction. That’s the only function that package served—to get a reaction. Once it circulates we’re here, he’s going to come.”
    “Ugh,” I said.
    “It’s shocking,” Thor said. “That anybody can possibly think they can get away with this. They know we have resources.”
    “Not the extent of them, perhaps.” Odin said, and then he eyed Zeus. “It’s been so long. Playing the hunter.”
    “It feels good,” Zeus said, waving at a man across the room, standing at the bar. “I’m going to talk to Clarence on the Dodgers aspect.” He got up and walked off.
    Odin nudged Thor. “Look—Henry.”
    “Who’s Henry?” I asked.
    “Go-to gossip man,” Thor said, nodding at a blond man in a blue suit. “Anything going around the grapevine hits Henry. If anybody is unduly fascinated with you.”
    “You talk to him, Thor,” Odin said. “He’s more comfortable with you.”
    “He’s more frightened of you,” Thor said.
    “Comfort is best for now. Go at him soft, and then I’ll go at him if you think he’s holding back.”
    “Right.” Thor gave me a kiss on the cheek and went over to talk to Henry.
    The drinks arrived. I was glad for the champagne now.
    “We’ll find him,” Odin said. “It’s what we do. I think a lot of people don’t fucking-g understand that. We could find people on the other side of the world.”
    Find them and kill them. But Odin didn’t say that. But it’s how they’d hooked up with Thor—Odin had been sent by their clandestine government agency ZOX to kill Thor, back when Thor was a relief organization doctor who’d had the bad fortune to witness something he shouldn’t have. When Odin learned who Thor was and what he’d seen—they would never tell me what, exactly—he’d decided to protect Thor from ZOX instead of executing him. Then Zeus had been sent to kill them both.
    Odin had fought Zeus and brought him around to the idea that ZOX was fucking up and that Thor shouldn’t be killed. Eventually, another agent had been sent to kill all three of them. They killed that person. It was at that point they knew they’d have targets on their backs forever. Which was when their path of vengeance

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