Diary of the Displaced
thing happened. The sun came out once more, and there it was, my diary and pen, right where they always were. I must have missed them completely during the feverous moment that had now passed.
    March 30th
    The storm last night was ferocious. The episode with my diary occurred yet again today, I am beginning to question my sanity. It was missing for most of the day whilst the bad weather and those terrible voices assaulted my senses.
    I shall walk down to the village in the morning and see Doctor Elsden. This can be tolerated no more.
    March 31st
    Terrible storms. Diary is only there for moments. Dizziness gone somehow. Can’t sleep but tired. Strange smell, can’t rid of.
    April or May
    Not clue of date, is still April? Legs ache, finger has fallen off, can’t understand.  Must find food. Cannot leave, terrible hungry, what is date? Chanting heard Nua’lath, Nua’lath. What is this mean?
    Blood   Lots it  Everwhere blood   Carnt seep   the screamun    too many screamun
    Mas 145 1728812
    Nua’lath muo’lah vor : Blud far Nua’lath : Kiy e Nua’lath : Blud far Nua’lath : dun dring der warta
    That’s the last entry in his diary.
    I don’t know if it answers any of my questions or not. Did I end up here in a similar way? I wish I could remember what happened after I went to the toilet in the service station.
    One thing that worries me is the date. 1922. How long was Adler here?
    Day 20
    I wasn’t aware of falling asleep, though I do know that we talked for hours. I know what woke me though.
    The storm had come, just as Rudy had said it would, and I had arrived at the shack in the valley just in time. Outside the shack was a maelstrom of wind, dust, and rain. I’d never seen anything like it. Down the valley hundreds of small tornadoes swirled around, churning up the muck and water. Across the river and up onto the start of the rock plateau I could see rain gushing sideways at an incredible speed.
    Odd though. I could still see quite far, at least down into the valley where gargants hunkered down into the muddy water. Several of them were sitting there like massive, wet, rock mounds, half submerged in the swamp.
    DogThing wasn’t around. I guessed that he had snuck off somewhere and found a shelter of his own.
    The shack was mostly untouched by the storm, tucked away as it was in the hollow of the rock face near the waterfall. The wind and the rain still battered the walls, and I felt a bit wary that it might come crashing down on my head at any moment.
    Rudy must have sensed my concern.
    “This place has weathered hundreds of storms.”
    “Okay. Good.”
    He sat down on the chair near the fireplace. Can ghosts actually sit? It would seem so.
    “Whoever built it certainly knew what they were doing. It may look like a pile of junk, but it’s solid.”
    “You didn’t build it?”
    “No. It was here before I arrived, pretty much as you see it now. I made a few repairs, but not a lot.”
    I spent most of the rest of the day having a poke around in the house, hunting around for useful stuff. Found more tools, including a rusty saw and a couple of hammers. I also moved my cart into the shack, out of the storm, and emptied it. Some of the scraps of wood I’d gathered stoked up the fire nicely and I was able to dry everything out.
    The storm ended during the night. I awoke to silence. I even think it was the silence that woke me.
    Day 21
    I found a hole.
    Not a normal hole. This is a little bit different. Well, the best description I have for it is a hole.
    I found it outside the hut after the storm, as I was trudging around in the newly formed rock pools. Any crevice or recess in the rock that could hold water was filled up and I was busy bottling as much of it as I could.
    I stood frowning at the hole for a few minutes, watching the water trickle out of it and down onto the ground to gather in one of the pools. Even if I empty the pool, it keeps refilling with the water from the

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