Reckless Together: A Contemporary New Adult College Romance (The Reckless Series)

Free Reckless Together: A Contemporary New Adult College Romance (The Reckless Series) by Gina Robinson

Book: Reckless Together: A Contemporary New Adult College Romance (The Reckless Series) by Gina Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina Robinson
we have an inside source in the Greek system to give us all the crap on the frats."
    Nic laughed like she wasn't at all insulted. "I figure we take her there. Introduce her around. And problem solved, at least for Friday night."
    "You're really counting on my mom's skankiness," I said.
    "Hey, I'm only going on what you told me. You said your mom wants the college experience. What's more collegiate than being hit on by a bunch of drunk frat guys? It's like a rite of passage, right?"
    I laughed. Thought about it a minute and shrugged. "You're right. Mom asked for it. That takes care of Friday."
    "Okay, what do we have for the rest of the weekend?" As Nic brought up the event webpage, Tay and I scooted next to her.
    "Hmmmmm. The ag college is having a plant sale." Nic was so absorbed in studying the schedule that she was almost mumbling to herself.
    I snorted. "Maybe for your mom. My mom would be bored to tears. The only green thumb she has is that kind that's good at picking out and picking up a rich husband. That's the only green that matters to her."
    "You come from such good stock," Tay said.
    Nic ignored us. "Yeah, lame. Though my mom might like it." She pointed to the screen. "What looks good?"
    "Mom said she wants a mother/daughter mani and pedi." I scanned the list of events. "Great, one of the local nail salons is offering them at the SUB. Sign me up."
    "The craft fair looks fun," Tay said.
    "I agree. Add some shopping at the craft fair," I said.
    "You're going to need to throw in an athletic event for the Walkers. I figure that's where you meet up with them. Baseball game or track meet?"
    I winced. "Baseball? Might be a sore point, given his history and Caleb. I'll talk to Logan."
    "Okay, we'll put TBD right here in this handy online schedule planner." Nic filled it in. "That's a pretty full day. Now you just need dinner reservations. The good places are already filling up. I could squeeze you two in on ours. We're going to the Mexican place downtown."
    I nodded. "That would be great."
    "After dinner, we take your mom barhopping. The next morning, we round her up from wherever we find her and pack her off for home. Weekend planned! Sound good?" Nic beamed at me.
    "How are we going to go barhopping? We're underage."
    "I have connections. I can scare you up a fake ID," Tay said. "You might have to dye your hair purple, though."
    "No thanks."
    "No problem," Nic said. "They're having a special Up All Night for the moms. Want to take her there? There will be dancing."
    I hesitated.
    "What's bothering you?"  
    "I hope Mom goes for it."
    "Why wouldn't she? Up All Night is tradition. You can't go to college here without going to at least one. You're only other option is taking her to a movie or one of the plays or hang out in your dark room with Bre. Or hang with Logan and his family."
    I held my hands out, palms up, acting like I was weighing something in each one. "The lesser of two evils?"
    Nic laughed. "See what I mean?"
    "Email me the schedule. I'll need to send one to Jason so he knows where to stay away from."
    "You got it."
    My cell buzzed. "It's Dex." I grabbed it. "Hey."
    "You have to help me." He sounded desperate. "Mom's called me three times already asking what we're doing for Mom's Weekend and telling me I'd better plan and sign up for things now before they're all booked up. She's already made plans to go to the plant sale."
    I couldn't help myself. I laughed.
    Tay frowned, curious, and mouthed, What's so funny?
    I mouthed "plant sale" back to her and pointed to the phone.
    "It's not funny," Dex said. "She'd going to drag me to the wooden boat competition at the college of engineering and the natural history exhibit."
    "Your mom sounds like a real party animal," I teased.
    "Shut up, Ellie. You owe me. After all that crap, she'll probably want to do something stupid and girlie like drag me through the craft fair while we're wearing our matchy-matchy sweatshirts."
    I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Hang on," I told

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