Always You

Free Always You by Kirsty Moseley

Book: Always You by Kirsty Moseley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kirsty Moseley
weren't meant to hear that" he said a bit sheepishly, "So where do you live?" he asked I could hear him rustling paper around in the background.
    "I live on Cotton Road, near the pond, number 17, you know where that is?" I asked I hoped he did I was useless with directions.
    "You live on Cotton Road? No wonder your so close to Clay, that's where he lives right?" he asked sounding a little surprised.
    "Yeah he lives next door actually" I answered.
    "Ok well I know where it is, I've been to Clay's before, so I'll pick you up at 7 then" he said sounding really excited.
    "Ok see you then" I said snapping the phone shut and breathing out a sigh of relief that it was over. Not that talking to him was hard it was actually quite easy but the whole decision thing was a pain in the ass.
    "Great that's done, so next question, do you tell Clay?" Rachel said with a smile. I groaned, I couldn't lie to my best friend but at the same time I didn't really want to have to tell him either, he would be seriously pissed about it. "Ok I have a solution, how about we just avoid him altogether, that way you don't have to lie to him or tell the truth, there's only one period left and you don't have it with him, so just text him and tell him that I'm taking you home tonight so you don't need a lift and that you'll see him tomorrow" Rachel said. Ok that's not actually a bad idea, that way if the date is a disaster he doesn't have to know and if it's not then I can tell him I went tomorrow!
    "Ok good plan, we'll make an evil mastermind out of you yet" I said hugging her tight.
    Oh God I was so nervous, I had never been nervous about a date before ever. I left my hair down and added some soft curls and a tiny bit of makeup, I never wore a lot so I didn't want to go too overboard. Rachel had come in after she dropped me home and had helped me pick out an outfit. I was now in a black skinny jeans and a tight red v neck top that showed a little cleavage but wasn't too slutty, I'd opted for red open toed high heels that would probably kill me if I have to walk or dance in them, but he said dinner and a movie in the text so they should be ok.
    I felt sick, I just kept staring at myself in the mirror, I heard the doorbell ring. "Holy crap he's early" I muttered looking at the clock that said five to seven, I bounded out of my room to get the door only to hear voices coming from the hallway. Shit! I stopped out of sight to listen.
    "So where are you taking my daughter tonight?" I heard Brian ask, I smiled a little at what he said, he has always called me his daughter, bless him.
    "Err I thought we would go to this little Italian restaurant that I know and then to go see a movie if that's ok, I mean does she have a curfew or anything?" Blake asked.
    "Well it is a school night, you do know she's only 17 right?" Brian asked, I bounded down the stairs then embarrassed as hell.
    "Brian! He knows how old I am jeez, leave him alone would you?" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek and grabbing my black leather jacket, I refused to look at Blake until my cheeks stopped burning but I could feel his eyes on me.
    "Well like I was saying to Blake here, it's a school night Riley, so your Mom and I agree that you should be home by 11" he said sternly, I gave him my puppy dog face, pouting my lip slightly.
    "But Brian, we might not get time to see a movie if I have to be back by then" I said quietly looking at my feet.
    "Oh, well ok 11:30, but not a minute past ok" he said shaking his head, I laughed and kissed his cheek again.
    "Thanks" I said with a smile as I turned to face Blake.
    "I got you these" he said handing me a dozen red roses, oh my God that is sweet, the only one that ever gave me flowers was Clay.
    "Wow, Um they're beautiful, thanks" I said blushing, jeez what do you say? My stepdad was standing there watching me, how embarrassing!
    "Your welcome" he said with an easy grin.
    "Brian could you ask Mom to put these in water for me?" I asked holding out the

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