Always You

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Book: Always You by Kirsty Moseley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kirsty Moseley
flowers for him, he nodded, "I'll see you later" I said.
    "Goodbye Sir" Blake said holding out a hand, Brian shook it firmly.
    "You look after her you hear me?" he said sternly.
    Blake nodded and smiled politely "I will Sir" he answered.
    He smiled at me as we walked to the car, "You look really beautiful" he said looking me up and down slowly making me feel a little self-conscious.
    "You don't look bad yourself" I said, wow that is the understatement of the year! He had on his biker boots nicely ripped jeans and a black shirt that he had left undone a little and had rolled the sleeves up to his elbows, his hair and face were gorgeous as usual. I was so completely checking him out that I didn't even realise that we had got to the car already, he was standing there next to the open door waiting for me to get in and I was too busy staring at him. Holy shit! What an idiot! "Err sorry, I was just thinking whether I brought my phone or not" I lied blushing and getting in the car.
    "You have it?" he asked I nodded and he smiled before closing the door and walking round to the drivers side. "You like Italian?" he asked I nodded and giggled.
    "Doesn't everyone?" I asked, he smiled as we pulled out.
    The restaurant was nice, it was small and intimate and perfect for a date, there were candles on each table making it really romantic. "So you have your Dad completely wrapped around your little finger, are you a Daddies girl?" he asked while we were eating.
    "He's not my Dad, he's my Stepdad, but he's really great, he married my Mom when I was like 7, but I guess in a way I'm kind of a Daddies girl, he likes to spoil me and he gangs up on my Mom with me" I said with a laugh.
    "He seems like a nice guy" he said smiling,
    "Yeah he's the best" I said.
    "That good?" I asked pointing at his lasagne.
    He nodded "Want some?" he said holding out a forkful to me,
    "Wow that's so romantic Blake, you want to feed me?" I asked jokingly trying not to laugh, he snorted and shook his head putting the forkful in his mouth instead. "Hey I was gonna eat that I was kidding" I said grinning, he chuckled and got another forkful and held it out to me, I put my hand over his and brought the fork to my mouth slowly and took the food off the fork slower than normal trying to make it look seductive. I think it had the desired effect because he drew in a jagged breath through his teeth and let it out in a little moan.
    Wow that's tasty, he knows some good places, I bet that's because he's been on a lot of dates. I mentally slapped myself for thinking about him with other girls. "Wow that is good" I said after I had finished, I'll have to bring Clay here, he loves lasagne, and my chicken pasta alfredo is awesome so he wouldn't even mind swapping. Clay always does that, he orders something I'll like so that we can swap half way through. Wait why the hell am I thinking about Clay? Jeez Riley you are on a date with a super hot guy and your thinking about your best friend! Stupid, stupid, stupid!
    "Yeah me and my sister some here a lot to eat" he said simply digging in again.
    "Yeah, how old is your sister? Are you close then?" I asked,
    "She's 26, and yeah we're pretty close, I live with her actually, my parents died when I was 13, Michelle was 19 so she became my legal guardian after that, she's really great, you'll like her" he said with a fond smile. Ok did not see that coming, his parents have died?
    "I'm sorry about your Mom and Dad, but your sister sounds great for taking you on like that and still being a kid herself" I said kind of in awe of this girl who was two years older than me when she had to start raising a grieving hormonal teenage brother.
    "Michelle's great, she works here actually, not tonight though, night off" he said with a grin. I breathed a sigh of relief I didn't really want to be meeting his family on a first date.
    "And what does your sister think of you dating a minor?" I asked smirking, there is no way he's told his sister about me. Ha lets

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