Brazen Seduction

Free Brazen Seduction by Morgan Ashbury

Book: Brazen Seduction by Morgan Ashbury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan Ashbury
    Richard stepped back just a little, back and to her right side, and she guessed he planned to attach the second clamp.
    “Yes, Master?”
    Alan waited close by, just a few feet, she thought, ahead and to the left. At the sound of his name he stepped forward. She could tell from just those two words that he felt almost as aroused as she.
    “Molly performed a service for you last night. I want you to return the favor.”
    “Thank you, Master.”
    He sank to his knees as he spoke. Hot breath, a quick little sniff, and a low humming sound of pleasure filled her with anticipation.
    Alan set his mouth on her and ravaged. Lips and tongue lapped, sucked, drank. She had no time to build anticipation and brace herself.
    He was there, his mouth avid as he lavished her pussy with the most intimate of kisses.
    The first jolt shot her arousal high, her heart kicking one heavy beat before she felt the tingles of imminent orgasm.
    “Don’t come. Don’t come, Molly, until I tell you. I’ll punish you if you do.”

    Brazen Seduction
    Don’t come? Was he kidding ? From the back of her throat a sound emerged, need and desire, passion and pout. She hovered on the edge of climax and didn’t know if she could hold it back. She thought what he asked of her might be damn near impossible, like holding back a flood with a paper towel.
    The bite of metal on her right nipple stung, but the nip, the pinch, fanned the flames she struggled to contain.
    “She’s so wet and juicy, and God , she tastes so good.” Alan’s words vibrated against her wet flesh, the already electrified nerve endings battering against this additional stimulation.
    Richard tightened the clamp on the right then adjusted the one on the left. She knew if she hadn’t been impossibly aroused she never could have tolerated the pressure on her sensitive nipples.
    Richard fisted her hair, turned her head, and took her mouth with his. His tongue demanded, and she had no thought except to surrender, to give him everything he demanded, to give him all.
    “You’re close, aren’t you, Molly? Answer me.”
    “Yes.” She drew the single syllable out, wrapped it in a whimper, clearly begging and unashamed to do so.
    “See how you like this.”
    Even as his mouth took hers again, she felt more, a finger coated in something cold and wet brushing up and down over her anus.
    And then he pushed his finger into her, pressed hard and sank inside her. At the same moment, Alan slid two fingers up into her pussy. Stroking, delving, he found her G-spot, found it and began to court it with a fierce intensity.
    Both men moved inside her, tiny little presences to represent what they would do, together, before long. Instinct told her this just as instinct made her whimper and lean into Richard just that little bit.
    She felt her body shaking and knew she wouldn’t be able to hold off her orgasm much longer. She fought a battle against her own need, her own cravings.

    Morgan Ashbury
    “You’ll do better in the future, won’t you?” Oh, she heard humor in his voice and Molly wanted to laugh even as she felt very close to tears. The sound that emerged somehow sounded just that way.
    “Come then,” Richard said. “Come for us, baby.” Before his first word died off, Molly screamed as wave after wave of delicious, sinful rapture swamped her. She came hard and long, the fission inside her so powerful she wondered if her heart would be able to keep up.
    Between her thighs, Alan sucked on her cunt. The sensation of her juice flowing out of her and into his mouth might have been the most erotic thing she’d ever felt. Hanging by the chains that imprisoned her wrists, Molly pulled down, curled up, and felt her womb clench impossibly tight as the orgasm went on and on and on.
    It seemed to last long, long minutes as she wrung every drop of pleasure from her body, from the lips and tongue and hands on and in her.
    Gasping for breath, she felt her legs give out, felt

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