The Billionaire's Temptation: Alpha Billionaire Romance (The Billionaire's Touch Book 1)

Free The Billionaire's Temptation: Alpha Billionaire Romance (The Billionaire's Touch Book 1) by L.N. Pearl, S.K. Lee

Book: The Billionaire's Temptation: Alpha Billionaire Romance (The Billionaire's Touch Book 1) by L.N. Pearl, S.K. Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.N. Pearl, S.K. Lee
1 - Jax
    The night hadn't gone anything like I had hoped.
    Mia, my blond bombshell of a date, snuggled into the passenger side seat of my Rolls Royce and hadn't stopped talking about herself since the date began. I pulled into the drive and waited for my staff to come and get the key of the car. I owned the entire building and lived in the penthouse on the top floor while I collected the rent from all the tenants living below in their luxurious condos. I needed assets to invest in, and the building was a steal that I simply couldn't pass up.
    "Wow, is this your place? I love it. Sleek and modern, just the way I like," she gushed, a large smile on her pretty face.
    It should have caused me to smile, but I was beyond finding anything in common with her. A good fast fuck and I would kick her out. The only hope was that Asa, the babysitter, would stay for an hour or so. Asa had a sense of entitlement where I was concerned, but it was rather unfounded. One night of passion and she had dibs on me, or so she thought. The idea of inviting her back to watch my nephew almost gave me pause, but if things didn't work out with blondie, I know Asa would be up for a romp in the sheets.
    "It is. Get out and let's go wrap up this night properly." I motioned for her to eject her talkative ass from the Rolls as the bellhop walked toward us.
    She continued to talk again as we walked to the entrance and I nodded toward Henry. I slipped my hand into hers and pulled her against me before entering the lobby. Pressing my finger to her lips, I glanced down at her, hooding my gaze and giving her a sharp warning as we approached the elevator.
    "Hush. Don't speak again unless I tell you to. Understood?"
    She nodded, which was enough for me. She was a grown woman. Surely she understood my directives and would beckon to my desires. She would. They all did.
    We rode in silence to the top floor and walked to the front door before she made a small peep again. I glanced back at her and growled before pushing the door open. The smell of vanilla and sandalwood rushed to greet us, the scents always having been present in my mother's house too.
    Mia made another noise, and I turned my head, pinning her with a reminder stare. She pursed her lips and nodded. The bitch was getting on my last nerve.
    “Wait for me. Don’t touch anything.” I left her in the kitchen before jogging up the stairs to the nursery. My sister's son was my new charge, the small boy no more than a six months old and honestly a joy, but with that warmth came incredible responsibility. It had begun to overwhelm me, the thought of being responsible for another life far more than I was capable of handling.
    My mother would have to take the child back. Alice, my sister, would want the boy raised by someone well-rounded and responsible, which just wasn't me. Having to bury my sister left mom heartbroken, a shell of who she had been only months before Alice's death. The funeral was a nightmare, the plane crash not even affording us a body to bury.
    Tucking away my morbid thoughts, I stopped outside the bedroom door before peeking in and holding my breath. The sound of soft snores caused my lip to lift. The little guy was sound asleep. Asa might be a little too much for me to deal with, but she was the perfect girl to help with Tyson. She was looking for a long-term relationship that morphed into a white-picket fence and three kids.
    I wasn't, nor would I ever be.
    The sound of feminine voices lifted from the bottom floor. I turned on my heel and walked quickly down the stairs to find Mia and Asa with their fingers in each other's faces. Did they know one another?
    I didn't even stop to gain a clear understanding of the strife, but paused at the edge of the kitchen. Tyson was crying again.
    "Get out. Both of you. Get your shit and get out." I glanced toward Asa. "I'll send you a check in the mail for tonight and I'll think about having you back, but don't hold your breath."
    "What about me?"

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