Dare You Forever (Brothers of Ink and Steel #2.5)

Free Dare You Forever (Brothers of Ink and Steel #2.5) by Allie Juliette Mousseau

Book: Dare You Forever (Brothers of Ink and Steel #2.5) by Allie Juliette Mousseau Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allie Juliette Mousseau
hands all over him NOW !
    “Read it out loud!” Jules squeals.
    “No way!” I blush. Holy hot hell, I need to leave and find him!
    “Oooh … what kind of note was it?” Livie pipes in.
    “A sexy one.” My voice falls to a whisper.
    “Now, you know you’re not supposed to see the groom before tomorrow!” Quinn laughs. “And we all know Josh is cunning!”
    “And stealthy,” Britt adds.
    They must have come over when they saw the envelope.
    Tove Lo’s “Talking Body” comes on, and I’m thinking of ways to sneak out.
    “You’re not leaving yet!” Jules senses my plan. “I see that look in your eyes. You’re dancing!”
    I whine, completely sexually frustrated as they literally drag me under the lights and onto the dance floor.
    “I thought I specifically instructed you—no strippers, Will!” I growl at my brother.
    “Fuck right.” Liam has his thick arms folded across his chest. “I didn’t sanction this. I’m the best fucking man!”
    “You do know the girls are having a penis-toy party, right?” Will cries in his defense. “Jules even has two male models she uses at her book signings to ‘rev’ up the crowd!”
    I watch as a big breasted, twenty-something-year-old woman slips past me with a tray of drinks. She’s wearing a barely-there maid’s outfit. There are about twenty of them high-heeling their way around the room, serving the men at this “cock” party.
    “You need to get them dressed, Will. Now,” I tell him.
    He’s not fine.
    “You know this is your wedding too, Josh! Not just hers, ” he retaliates.
    “You don’t get it. You don’t get any of this! It’s all about her. The waitresses themselves don’t bother me. They probably wouldn’t bother Sophie either. But hell, the issue is I love her and she’s been fucked over. And my entire mission is to make sure she knows without a shadow of a doubt I’m not going to betray her!” My blood is starting to boil. “Sometimes you can really be fucking insensitive and immature.”
    “How did you even change the plan?” Liam breaks in.
    “Yeah that was hard to do—dropped my name with the hosting service and told them what I wanted.” He rolls his eyes.
    “You’re a prick.” Liam points at Will, sparks in his gaze. “I’m walking the fuck away.”
    When Liam is out of earshot, Will states defiantly, “I’m not apologizing.”
    “I didn’t think you were going to,” I quip.
    “Hello, Mr. North. Can I interest you in a … drink?” The blonde waitress holds the tray in front of her at her waist so I’m forced to look at her tits if I want to choose a drink. She’s also using her arms to press and push her breasts up and together
    “Honey, I’m good,” I say while averting my eyes.
    She walks away disappointedly.
    I seethe at my brother. “You forget who I am and that my life is in the spotlight even more than yours. You want to live like this?” I shove my finger into his chest. “You go ahead. But I’m not anymore. One fuck up—one wrong move—and I lose everything I care about.” I ball my hand into a fist and force it to my side. The anger at the thought of losing Sophie churns the acid in my stomach. I’m seeing red. “Goddamn, Will, you’re a dick! Fix it and get them dressed or get them out of here.”
    Liam comes back over once he sees Will is gone. “Man, I’m sorry.”
    “It’s not your fault,” I assure him. “Only thing is, I’m pissed and need to get my composure. Fucking little brothers.”
    “Hey! Don’t lump me into that shit,” Jake, another younger brother says. “I’ve been married longer than all of you.”
    “Don’t get your whitey-tighties in a knot,” I quip.
    “Fuck that, I wear sexy black designer briefs,” Jake says. “And I heard what you said about them getting more clothes on; only prob is that it could take a while if the waitstaff doesn’t have uniforms here, and remember we’re like a thirty minute drive to the actual

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