The Irresistible Bundle

Free The Irresistible Bundle by Senayda Pierre

Book: The Irresistible Bundle by Senayda Pierre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Senayda Pierre
this time he didn't want the audience. "I want to talk to you some more. We weren't done earlier."
    "You were because your entourage arrived." She replied bitterly. His image was more important than their conversation.
    Jaxon stood over her. He could never get close enough. Her scent drove him crazy. Her curves blinded him to everything else around him. All he wanted was a few minutes alone with her. They had plenty to talk about. He bent to whisper in her ear. "Spend the weekend with me. We can work this out."
    Carina could hear Desirae and Andrea loudly whisper hell no. She looked up at him. His eyes flared with hope. She didn't understand his persistence with her, "Why me Jax?"
    "Give me the chance to explain this weekend." He replied, caressing her collarbone as part of his answer. His touch ignited her. She bit her lip and closed her eyes trying to fight her body's automatic reaction. Her nipples tightened into twin peaks. Jaxon inhaled sharply and tightened his grip on her arms. They still had that affect on each other.
    "Let's go" Desirae yanked Carina away from his grasp. He stood there frozen but not before they noted his full body reaction. His eyes glazed with desire, his breathing became shallow, and his jeans bared a distinct bulge.

Chapter Three
    Whispers flurried throughout the food court. Carina could only imagine what everyone had to say. Jaxon obviously reacted to her in a way that no other female had mastered. She should feel some sort of accomplishment but it only made her feel dirty. Like what they'd done together no other girl would've attempted.
    "He has got it bad for you girl" Desirae crowed as they marched back to the dorm.
    "I'd gladly pass on the torch to someone else." She muttered.
    "Well, let's have a good night!" Desirae suggested.
    "Can we go somewhere off campus?" She didn't want to chance upon Jaxon, no matter how public the venue. Desirae nodded her agreement and began texting friends. It was Halloween weekend and there were plenty of parties to choose from.
    "Club 69 is having a major Halloween bash. Free admission if you dress up; prizes for different categories, with food and drink specials!" Desirae squealed. Carina nodded in agreement as they marched back to their room. It sounded like something completely different than what they usually did. She hoped to get lost in a sea of disguised faces. Desirae called around to get a group of girls together.
    "What are we going to wear?" She wondered aloud. Desirae opened the door without responding. Andrea and a few dorm mates were in the hallway. Desirae spoke with them, making plans. Carina should've felt irritated or left out but at that moment she didn't care. It'd been a shitty week and she just wanted to enjoy this weekend.
    "Let's get going!" Desirae gushed motioning to her roommate. Carina furrowed her brows as the assembled group spoke excitedly about costumes and categories. She silently followed the group. She sat in the back of Andrea's car not wanting to ride with people she didn't know. Carina was able to gather that everyone was costume hunting. Originality was out the window if everyone was going together. She listened as girls talked about naughty maid costumes, Wonder Woman outfits, and even stripper get ups.
    "What are the categories we're competing for?" Andrea asked. Desirae's fingers quickly tapped her smart phone screen as she went onto Club 69's website.
    "Best couple... Most original... Sexiest... Historically accurate... Most wicked... wait can't that be interpreted in various ways?!" Desirae scoffed as she continued naming the categories. "Crowd favorite... Best male costume... Best female costume... Weirdest... and Naughtiest..."
    "Is it me or are they making the categories to see how many females they can get into the club dressed like skanks?" Andrea bitched. "I mean what differentiates sexiest to naughtiest?"
    "Level of skankiness" Carina offered. The girls laughed as they pulled into a costume shop. "What is the

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