Just Breathe

Free Just Breathe by Heather Allen

Book: Just Breathe by Heather Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Allen
Not sure. He liked Michael and I see them hanging out at school sometimes, which does not make me too thrilled.
    We walk out to the front porch to sit on the bench swing. The fans are on full power and there is a tiny breeze blowing through. Jack rests his arm on the back of the swing so I lean into him. We sit and swing for a while. I apologize for my brother’s rude behavior but he shrugs it off.
    I'm too curious about this electricity thing that I can't keep myself from asking, "Hey, I was wondering, I know it sounds kind of corny but every time you touch me, I get a surge of electricity where you touched me." Now that I have said it aloud, I realize how crazy I actually sound.
    He has a goofy grin on his face, "Really, well that's interesting, the same thing happens when you smile at me or,” he grabs my hand, “touch me.”
    I frown, "Why?"
    He shrugs his shoulders, "I'm not sure, but I know I like it."
    I am shell shocked. News to Ever, you create electricity. I must look appalled because his eyes start to cloud over.
    I look into them and assure him, “No don’t worry, I love it!”
    I smile hoping he is feeling the same warmth I am. He grins with clear eyes. I’m about to ask him if this has ever happened before to him, when I hear my dad pull into the drive.
    Jack and I stand as my dad climbs the porch steps. I make introductions and they shake hands. I’m still smiling thinking about our conversation.  Getting less and less freaked out, this is good .
    We all walk in as my mom is putting dinner on the table. I notice she went for the down home staple, pot roast. Hope he likes it. We all sit down and dig in. The conversation is flowing freely and everyone is getting along great except James. He joins in the conversation with my mom and dad but seems to avoid Jack at all costs. Great, I hope my parents don’t notice. If he ruins my beach trip I will be furious.
    Dinner ends and Jack and I go back out to the porch swing.
    He looks conflicted so I say, “That went well, are we still on for the beach tomorrow?”
    He looks up at me and says, “Absolutely, looking forward to it but I think we should skip the movies tonight.”
    He stands up abruptly and tells me, ”I should go, especially if we are leaving at six in the morning.”
    I stand up confused and follow him down to his car. He turns around and I notice his eyes are green again.
    I grab his hand and ask, “What’s wrong Jack? I know my family is odd but…did you have fun?”
    He looks up from staring at the ground and our eyes meet. “Of course I had fun, your family is great and your mom’s pot roast, impeccable. I just have some things on my mind. Don’t worry.”
    I look into those eyes and I can see the blue move in like a wave is pushing the green out. He gently cradles my cheeks in his hands and leans down letting his lips graze mine in a gentle kiss. Electricity spreads through every part of my body. It lasts only a split second but oh I could go for more…
    He smiles and gets into his car, “I’ll see you at six sharp.”
    Then he drives away.
    I reach up and touch my lips. I can still feel the electricity where it was strongest on my lips. He said I do the same to him. I wonder if his lips are tingling right now. I think I am falling hard. I sure hope it isn’t a mistake.
    Running, running through trees this time, I don’t see a lake just the impending cliff ahead. Jack looks over at me, grabs my hand and we jump into the abyss. Then I feel the cool water and the taste, salty. I burst through the water for air.
    I sit straight up in bed gasping .
    This is becoming a bad routine. Ugh, I climb the stairs back down to the kitchen and find James sitting there. He looks horrible. He looks up as if he’s expecting me. I didn’t get a chance earlier to ask why he was so rude to Jack but the middle of the night isn’t a good time. I get a glass of water and

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