Edge of Hunger

Free Edge of Hunger by Rhyannon Byrd

Book: Edge of Hunger by Rhyannon Byrd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhyannon Byrd
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Paranormal
gaze away from the provocative details of her figure, each exquisite discovery making him ache just a little harder, a little deeper. "I don't know."
    "Where are we?" she asked, her breasts rising and falling as the cadence of her breathing grew shorter and sharper.
    "Don't care. Just don't move, don't cover yourself," he growled, a grittier edge to his voice than he'd ever heard before, graveled and rough. He released his hold on her wrists and shifted, rubbing himself against her, against those perfect breasts and the soft, slick folds nestled between her splayed thighs, her sex so tender and wet he damn near lost it then and there. There were so many things he wanted to do to her, to take from her. Harsh, explicit intimacies that had no place between strangers--and yet, he'd have taken them if he had the time. Hell, he'd have given her more of himself than he'd ever given any other woman in his entire life--have lost himself in her, content to spend days on end exploring the sensual secrets of her body, drowning in the discoveries...in the breathtaking details.
    But time was the one thing he didn't have.
    He knew that with each harsh, erratic breath, the seconds he'd been granted with her were slipping away. Trying to grab hold of them would be like struggling to trap rushing water within his hand. Pointless, futile, and a waste of his time.
    The scene was just too perfect to last. At any moment, Ian expected to have it ripped out from under him, leaving him completely destroyed.
    He only hoped he didn't crash and burn when it happened--when he lost her.
    Pointless apologies for being such a jackass jammed painfully in his throat, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. He choked them back as he caught the hazy, burnished glow of her gaze, saying, "I want to go down on you. I want it so bad I can taste it, Molly. But I don't know how long this is going to last, and no way in hell am I missing the chance to fuck you again."
    She didn't recoil at his crass honesty or try to roll away from him. She just lay there against the carpet, beautifully supplicant, arms bent, palms open either side of her flushed face, her hair a tangled fury of golden curls around the violent bloom of color in her cheeks. The luminous depths of her eyes pulled on him, dragging him deeper, as if he were falling into her, completely under her spell.
    A log popped, crackling in the fireplace while an ominous bellow of thunder rumbled somewhere in the distance, the harsh pulse of the oncoming storm echoing the violent pounding of his heart. Taking her softly panting silence for consent, Ian pressed closer, wanting to cradle her hands within his own, to rub his thumbs into the humid cups and stroke her skin, but he fought the urge, afraid of where that closeness would take him. It was already scary enough, this wild, unknown emotional no-man's-land he kept finding himself in every time he got close to her.
    Settling deeper between her spread thighs, Ian braced his weight on one elbow, then greedily opened his mouth over the succulent tip of her left breast, so hungry for her, he wanted to eat her alive. He rolled the exquisite, berry-red nipple against his tongue...and fit himself against her. Their gazes locked. Held for a single, smoldering instant. Then he lifted his head and drove his body into her with a thick, grinding motion, having to work at her as hard as he had the night before. Her eyes went wide, white teeth sinking into the pansy-soft cushion of her lower lip...and Ian shoved deeper.
    Locking his jaw, he slowly pulled back his hips, the sensations so acute they bordered on that intense precipice of pleasure and pain. When he'd almost pulled completely out of her--his muscles tensed, skin sweat-slick and burning--he shoved back in, harder this time, somehow giving her more of him. His left hand came up to fist in the pale curls that haloed her head, holding her steady as he came down over her. Needing her taste, he claimed her mouth in an urgent,

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