Family Pieces

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Book: Family Pieces by Misa Rush Read Free Book Online
Authors: Misa Rush
Tags: cookie429
    “Yeah. I’m sorry. I’m just stressed out.”
    “Is it work?”
    “Yeah, of course. What else would it be?” He grabbed her hand again.
    “Hey, there’s Brad’s truck. Let’s park over there,” Karsen suggested, thinking they could all leave together that way. James didn’t argue. He pulled into an open spot in the next row that had enough room so as not to scratch the doors when they opened them. They both got out of the car and headed toward the club.
    “Hanna!” Karsen shouted, spotting her friend in front of the entrance. “Wait up!” Hanna turned and allowed James and Karsen to join her.
    “Hi, James. Nice ride.” Hanna played into his already pompous ego.
    “Thanks. I’d let you drive it, but you know what they say about women drivers?”
    Hanna rolled her eyes. “Danica Patrick could run circles around your sorry ass.”
    “How about we leave the comedy routine to the comics inside, shall we?” Karsen could see the conversation roller-coastering downhill fast. Hanna loved pushing James’s buttons.
    James led the way to will call and they picked up the tickets that Brad had arranged for them. Inside, the lights were dim. The group stopped at the bar for drinks. An usher then led them to a four-top at the front left of the stage. The show appeared to have a full house; the balcony seats were even filled. Not bad for amateur night, Karsen thought. She filled with pride knowing Brad had a real shot at pursuing his dream career.
    Looking toward the stage, Karsen spotted Brad waiting in the corner wing. She waved and she saw him smile back at her, clearly trying to maintain his concentration. His quirky smile filled Karsen with a welcome familiarity. Karsen grew up at the butt of his jokes. She certainly appreciated that his new material excluded her. His skits were tame compared to those of most comedians, focusing in mostly on childhood mishaps. Clean, relatively curse-word free. Karsen beamed with delight every time she watched him perform. She wondered if their mom could see him, too.
    Karsen sipped her apple martini, which was usually her drink of choice. Tonight her stomach felt unsettled and while the others were well into their second drink, her first one sat barely touched.
    At eight o’clock, Brad took the stage. Even though she’d heard him rehearse, Karsen’s belly hurt from laughing. She thought about their childhood joke after joke.
    “Dad had a phrase, no matter what the injury. Sympathetic, he was not. Stub a toe – ‘It’ll feel better when it quits hurting.’ Break a leg – ‘It’ll feel better when it quits hurting.’ Cut your arm off with a chainsaw – ‘It’ll feel better when it quits hurting.’”
    Karsen wiped the inside corner of her eye. She laughed so hard that she was crying. Hanna leaned into her and whispered in her ear, “Hey, K, I think I might have a thing for your brother.” Before she could respond, Hanna’s attention veered back to Brad’s act.
    For a moment, the thought caught Karsen off guard. Hanna’s flawless looks with Brad? Not that he was bad looking; he was related to her so their features were similar. His nose had a slight bump and he wasn’t built like the guys she’d seen Hanna date. Looks aside, though, this might not be a bad thing , Karsen thought. At least she knew Hanna liked her, which was more than she could say for Brad’s last girlfriend.
    Karsen poked Hanna in the ribs. “You think what?”
    “You heard me right. I think I’m interested in Brad.” Hanna’s cheeks turned a pinkish-red.
    “You’ve known him for years…what prompted this?”
    “I don’t know. He’s funny, amazingly nice and handsome in his own way. What’s not to like?”
    “Seriously, Hanna. This is Brad we’re talking about. My brother Brad.” Karsen still was somewhat taken aback by the thought.
    “Yes. Seriously. Now, hush. I’m missing the best part.” She gazed back at Brad up on the stage.
    Following Brad’s performance, the

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