Family Pieces

Free Family Pieces by Misa Rush

Book: Family Pieces by Misa Rush Read Free Book Online
Authors: Misa Rush
Tags: cookie429
patio. Don’t you remember how quaint it was with the vines and lights? You hogged the fresh buffalo mozzarella appetizer, remember? I can still taste the fettuccine bianca. Mmmm. I think I’ll order it again tonight. That recipe has to come straight from heaven.” James’s voice sounded so convincing that even Karsen questioned her own memory.
    “Hun, I know I’ve never been there. I remember everything we do. Mind of an elephant.” She pointed to her forehead. “You must have gone there with your other girlfriend,” she joked.
    “No, K.” James took her hand. It had been so long since he’d held her hand in the car that her mind relaxed. “You were there,” he reiterated. “I can’t believe you don’t remember, but regardless you’ll love it.” He squeezed her hand tighter.
    Karsen closed her eyes. Two years. Over two years they’d been dating. Every bone in her body told her he was the one, no matter how much her mother had questioned her relationship. She pictured their future together and in her dreams it felt real. She always thought she’d have the time to prove her mother wrong.
    They covered the short distance to the restaurant quickly and James maneuvered the BMW into a rare street-side parking spot. Karsen smoothed her dress – a fitted, brown-striped halter that hugged her waist – as she climbed out of the car. The strappy brown sandals tied at her ankles drew attention to her sleek, striated calves.
    “Come on.” James, who had once opened her door for her, had jumped out on his side and now stood impatiently at the curb.
    “What’s your rush? We have an hour and a half before the Improv’s doors open.” Karsen folded her sweater over her arm and closed the car door. She always felt funny having a sweater at hand, but even in the peak of Arizona’s summer the air conditioning in most restaurants chilled her. She watched as James pushed the button on the black key fob then heard the locks click twice behind her.

    The two ate politely but Karsen noticed an awkward disconnect in their conversation. She wondered if they were simply maturing, or if their relationship was growing stale. Their conversation used to be playful, a continual mix of flirting and serendipitous getting-to-know-you banter. No matter how hard she tried this evening, they just couldn’t seem to connect.
    “Hanna and I have Chemistry together this term. Our lab instructor gave us a quiz…”
    “That’s nice.” He cut her off before she could continue. “Did I tell you about the telecom account I landed? My boss had been trying to close them for over six months. I was able to meet with the director of purchasing today, and he signed the contract right then and there.”
    “Wow.” Karsen replied. “That’s great, honey.”
    James droned on about his work and finance classes. Karsen tried to seem interested, but being a communications major, net present value and balance sheets really weren’t her thing.
    “You want to split a tiramisu?” Karsen asked.
    “Really?” James balked at her suggestion for dessert with his ‘you don’t need to be eating that’ tone. Instead, he signaled the waiter for their bill.
    “Guess not.” Her spirits dampened, Karsen excused herself and made her way to freshen up in the ladies’ room. A few minutes later, she returned to the table where she once again joined James. She grabbed her purse from beside her chair and then they headed out to the car together.

    Cars moved like snails down Mill Avenue. Saturday nights were known to draw a crowd and traffic was always slow. She sensed James’s frustration and wondered whether it was her or the chocked-full street of vehicles and jaywalking pedestrians that was irritating him. They turned down University Boulevard and pulled into the parking lot behind the Improv.
    “Are you all right, honey?” Karsen asked. What she really wanted to ask was “are we all right?” but couldn’t. Her insecurity wouldn’t let

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