Tara Duncan and the Forbidden Book

Free Tara Duncan and the Forbidden Book by HRH Princess Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian

Book: Tara Duncan and the Forbidden Book by HRH Princess Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian Read Free Book Online
Authors: HRH Princess Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian
they’ll be right.”
    The old wizard scowled, and she smiled a little.
    â€œGrandpa, you said that a Teller probed you, right?”
    â€œNo, I said that someone probed me,” answered Manitou. “I don’t know if it was a Teller.”
    â€œThen we better talk to the gnome,” said Tara, chewing on her white forelock. The habit always annoyed Gallant, and he swatted the hair away.
    â€œTo the gnome?” asked Fabrice. “Why?”
    â€œHe’s worked with the Tellers for a long time. He should be able to tell us if one of them read Grandpa’s mind and maybe even why.” They had no trouble finding him. The gnome was in one of the palace’s outdoor gardens, with two Truth Tellers. They had opened their white tunics and Tara was astonished to see that their brown bodies looked like wood.
    So, the Tellers were actually plants !
    Instead of arms, they had a tangle of budding branches. Their feet—roots, actually—were sunk into the earth. And the things that Tara had taken for helmets were actually large black petals that had opened around their heads and were hungrily soaking up sunshine. Their entire beings gave off a feeling of silent ecstasy.
    The gnome’s eyes widened when he saw the little group striding toward him, and he set down the watering can he’d been using.
    â€œHello, Master Buglul,” said the dragon wizard. “Could you spare us a few minutes of your time?”
    The gnome bowed, looking somewhat apprehensive. “Er, of course, High Wizard. What can I do for you?”
    â€œHigh Wizard Manitou Duncan says he was probed by a Teller in the hearing room. Can you confirm that for us?”
    The gnome was shocked.
    â€œThat is impossible!” he said indignantly. “No Truth Teller would ever probe a conscious individual without their permission, or the permission of a court of law. It is strictly forbidden.”
    â€œI’m sure that’s true,” Chem said smoothly. “But we all do something that’s forbidden every once in a while. So, could you kindly answer my question, please?”
    The two Tellers stirred. Buglul squinted, then spoke.
    â€œHigh Wizard, the Tellers declare that if one of them had wanted to probe you or Master Duncan, no one would have detected the intrusion. So, if someone tried to read or penetrate his brain, it was certainly not a Teller.”
    â€œIs that so?” asked Chem in surprise. “I see. So they can ‘read’ people without their knowledge. That’s very, very interesting.”
    â€œBut they never, ever do it,” said the gnome firmly. “Remember, many countries ship their worst criminals to Santivior, the Truth Tellers’ home planet, where the Tellers guard them in exchange for the goods they need. Why would they trade that special relationship for the pleasure of snooping? Whoever read your friend was not one of them. You will have to look elsewhere. “
    In the face of the gnome’s determination, Chem bowed. “Thank you, Master Buglul.”
    As they left the garden, the friends knew one thing for sure: They had been trapped, and they couldn’t make a move until Cal was free.
    Master Chem decided to request another audience with the empress.
    â€œI’ll keep you all posted,” he said. “Manitou, stay with the children and keep them from doing anything too stupid, like destroying the palace or launching an interplanetary war—you know, the things they seem to specialize in. Okay?”
    â€œI’m not their babysitter,” growled the dog. “And if they feel like doing something, I’ll probably do it too, believe me.”
    Tara gave her great-grandfather a big smile, and he winked. Chem rolled his eyes in resignation and stomped off, muttering.
    â€œNone of this is getting us very far,” said Fabrice as they headed for the palace’s lower depths. “If what Buglul said is true, it

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