Family Pieces

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Book: Family Pieces by Misa Rush Read Free Book Online
Authors: Misa Rush
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lights lifted to a soft glow as the intermission began.
    “Stupendous!” Hanna, a bit tipsy, threw her arms around Brad’s neck as he joined them at the table. She certainly goes after what she wants , Karsen thought. Brad looked startled by Hanna’s sudden affection.
    James handed Brad a beer. “Thought you might want this.”
    “Thanks,” Brad said, wiping sweat from his brow. “It’s so damn hot up there.” He drew a long swig from the bottle.
    The four of them watched, laughed and applauded the remaining three acts. Hanna flirted relentlessly, touching Brad’s arm, smiling coyly, her approach boldly increasing over her third martini. James became more touchy-feely toward Karsen as well. With several beers down, his hand crept up the length of her thigh. She stopped him mid-leg.
    “Stop it!” she whispered sternly, giving him a perturbed glance. He persisted. “Stop. I mean it.” Her irritation grew by the moment. She never had been a fan of inappropriate displays of affection in public.
    After the show, the crowd poured through the exit like cattle. A tipsy Hanna let out a jestful “Moooo!” Karsen walked in slow, baby steps beside Brad. She nudged him with her elbow. “Hanna needs a ride home. She’s in no shape to drive.”
    Brad nodded. “Yeah, I noticed.”
    “Can you take her?”
    They encountered no resistance from Hanna at the idea of Brad driving her home. “I can drive you back here tomorrow to pick up your car,” Karsen promised as they loaded Hanna into Brad’s pick-up. Hanna nodded like a bobble-headed doll as her eyes closed and she drifted immediately to sleep.
    “Nice date,” James joked. Brad replied with a wry smile as he circled around to the driver’s side.
    “Give me the keys,” Karsen demanded, grabbing James’s hand.
    “I’m fine,” he said sternly, holding them out of her reach.
    “I mean it. Give them here. I’ll drive.” He didn’t budge.
    “Unless you want ten days in tent city and a pair of pink boxers, you’d better let her,” Brad shouted, knowing James would be more likely to save face in front of him than give in to Karsen.
    “Whatever. Here.” James forcefully pressed the keys into Karsen’s hand and headed toward the passenger side door. Karsen mouthed the words ‘thank you’ to Brad before easing into the driver’s seat. She took her time adjusting the seat and mirrors to fit her. She looked over at James reclining back in his seat with his eyes closed and felt a mix of disappointment and anxiety. She’d looked forward to their date night all day and the evening hadn’t lived up to her expectations.
    No one got lucky that night. Brad dropped Hanna off to the guardianship of her sorority sisters. He had never thought of her as more than Karsen’s friend before and certainly would not take advantage of her altered state. Yet a flicker of interest stirred inside him. He wondered whether he had misinterpreted her signals all together. Or perhaps, the alcohol simply made her overly friendly. He wasn’t sure if she would still be interested once she sobered up.
    Karsen drove carefully up the Loop 101 to Indian School Road where she signaled to exit. James had moved from Tempe to south Scottsdale to be closer to work. His apartment was older, but clean. It was in walking distance to Oregano’s, Karsen’s favorite pizza joint. Her mouth watered just thinking that a pizza cookie would hit the spot. Unfortunately, James’s inebriated state made him more suited for home than a public venue at the moment.
    Entering his apartment, James lay down on the bed. “Come here, babe.”
    “In a minute.”
    By the time she’d gone to the bathroom, he’d fallen asleep. His arms and legs sprawled out, spanning the width of the bed like the murder victim on a crime show. She removed his shoes and turned him on the bed.
    “Come’re, Nik.” He said groggily.
    “What?” Karsen questioned, but he had already rolled over and was sound

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