The Strip Club Dating Survival Guide
undeserved and wholly unfair.  So, let’s clarify if we can. If you hate dancers, or women in general, please stop reading this book and go back to torturing puppies, training to be a cage fighter, voting Republican or whatever it is that you do with your time.
    Gentlemen’s clubs are places you go to revel in the experience of intimately connecting with members of the opposite sex in a liberated, erotic, social environment. It’s like a church where you worship the idea of being with an idealized version of femine sexuality.
    If you don’t like, or can’t accept the idea of strip joint as a form of sexual temple , don’t worry about it. Instead, just think of it as a miniature theme park that allows you to forget the oft-depressing truth of your 9 to 5 life and, for a moment, touch, taste, smell, hear and see all that you have been missing. This, by the way, is a lot.

    In this context, the correctly created strip club experience generates envy, and that is a marvelous thing. When I say envy I mean it as a distinct and separate emotional experience from jealousy . Envy  is a positive emotion in moderation, whereas jealousy is always negative, regardless of what women’s magazines may be saying these days.
    Envy is the emotional impulse that arises when we see something that we don’t currently possess, and feel a powerful desire to have it for ourselves. This urge is often coupled with the realization that we may have this thing if we want, and if we’re willing to do the work required to get it. Jealousy , on the other hand, is that nasty thing that springs from fear of loss when we discover our wife or girlfriend sexting  with some other guy.
    You and I should always be willing to accept the intrusion of envy into the crap routine that normally passes for our lives. The deep, underlying force of an emotion such as this stands as a reminder that laziness and procrastination  are nothing more than a way of excusing the current, unfulfilling life conditions we may be willing to tolerate .
    Envy can be the cause of finally getting back to the gym and losing the weight you always planned to, changing the way you dress, switching jobs, altering spending patterns, putting some money in your savings, setting goals, going back to school, etc.

    Strip clubs are the ultimate temple to the powerful mental states of envy, desire, sexual arousal, and escapist fantasy . Somebody walking into one of these places with the need to denigrate women, using terms like whore, slut, cunt , or openly referring to the females as bitches has an evident problem. If, by some chance, you are one of these guys… and yes, I know you’re not , but still …I suggest that you pick up the phone and find yourself a therapist.
    Honestly though, it’s not just the dancers who are victimized by such vulgar displays of he-man-girl-hating in the strip club either. Most of the male clientele aren’t there because they want to make asses of themselves, feel stupid, worthless, and unattractive or because they want other people to feel that way.
    Most guys are coming into the club because they’re lonely  and they need someone to talk to. Maybe their wife is a cold shrew and a young, soft girl wriggling around in their laps is about the best they can hope for in life, how do you know? Hating on the strippers and acting like an ass-hat  blows the experience for the other customers, guys who are just looking for a little relief from their shit-lives.
    Negative assholes, the guys who are genuinely just haters,  generally don’t last long in the club anyway. Haters usually show their true colors sooner rather than later and get the heave-ho from the premises. Sometimes it’s starting fights, arguing or insulting the staff, refusing to pay for dances, trying to skip on a bar tab or flicking quarters at the girl on stage.
    Whatever the issue is, they aren’t welcome for terribly long, yet some haters

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