Tales Of The Sazi 02 - Moon's Web

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Book: Tales Of The Sazi 02 - Moon's Web by C.t. Adams . Cathy Clamp Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.t. Adams . Cathy Clamp
impression that he would not be a shield. I ignored him and carefully, oh so carefully, lifted a chair from the end of the row. His cocked head raised in understanding and he nodded slightly. I retraced my steps to my original corner. I heaved another piece of fruit but the arm wasn't working right. I nearly beaned Nikoli. He ducked and shot a look of annoyance in my direction. I'd bet that the oranges had been replaced by burning coffee.
    "Finish this, Asri, or I will step in and you shall be punished."
    That didn't occur to me. If it's Asri's job to punish me and I escape, what will he do to her? I felt worry and sorrow. I knew it wasn't mine.
    Back off, Sue! I ordered, and shut down the connection temporarily. I couldn't worry about Asri right now. I was allowed to defend myself.
    It didn't matter much, because Asri had found me. I'd waited too long and she was here. She stood on her hind legs to her full height. My head didn't even reach her throat.
    "Enough of this, wolf cub! Take your punishment!"
    "Not quite yet," I replied and raised my left hand. I slashed across her belly with the sharp metal tray. It stuck in between her ribs. She let out a grunt as blood began to flow. Rivulets swam and danced across the shiny silver. An eerie yellow light hummed around her and the wound sealed before my eyes, pushing out the tray. She stepped on it and hissed at me. I reached backward and found the chair. A quick swing caught her in the chest and she lost balance. I darted to the side and started to run, but she recovered faster than I expected and knocked me back into the corner. There would be no escape.
    She quickly wrapped her arms and legs around me until I couldn't move. I could smell her fetid breath as she nuzzled my neck with her snout. She slid a slow tongue around my shoulders and ran it up and down my cheek.
    "You've been quite an interesting opponent, little one," she said in a whisper low enough that even Nikoli and Bobby wouldn't be able to hear. "I'd welcome another challenge in better surroundings when you recover from today's injuries."
    With those words, she started to bend me over backward to the floor. I twisted in her grasp but the sheer weight of her body was all the momentum she needed to complete the throw. She lay on me and methodically began to use all four sets of claws to rake down my back and legs. I couldn't stop the scream as my clothing and skin burst open in a wash of blood. Pain ripped at my mind and I felt Sue scream along with me through wave after wave of agony as Asri mauled my body. Bobby and Nikoli were both headed toward us when I mercifully blacked out.

Chapter 6
    « ^ »
    A jolt sideways awakened me from nightmares of pain and chasing prey that I couldn't catch. The sound of studded tires on squeaking snow warned me I was in a car before I even opened my eyes. The brakes protested slightly as the vehicle reduced from highway speed to a sliding stop on gravel. I was lying spread-eagle face down on nylon carpet. It smelled like other people and cleaning chemicals. The shampoo couldn't completely erase the underlying lap-dog urine. I opened my eyes cautiously without moving. I knew I was going to hurt when I moved.
    The driver's door slammed and I was alone in the back of a rental passenger van. All of the rear passenger seats had been removed. A glance upward showed thick red twilight edging the tinted windows above the door latch. Hunger gnawed at my gut. I could smell fresh meat somewhere in the van, but I was really hoping it wasn't mine. That would seriously gross me out. I tentatively moved my hand to my face. The palm had healed from the knife burn. A second experiment with my other arm revealed slowly closing wounds from Asri's claws. I tentatively flexed and found I had reasonable range of motion and strength. Not as bad as I would have thought.
    I was hoping Sue would be able to stand the pain of me rising to my knees when I realized she wasn't there. My heart began to trip like

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