Frozen Hearts (Beyond Reality Book 3)

Free Frozen Hearts (Beyond Reality Book 3) by Susan Stoker

Book: Frozen Hearts (Beyond Reality Book 3) by Susan Stoker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Stoker
set them up so they were facing each other and the doors opened toward each other. Jonathan walked around to the back of the tents, away from the other men and their fire. He never let go of Kina’s hand. He stopped in front of the openings to the tents and turned Kina to face him. She really was tiny compared to him. He lifted her chin with one finger so she was looking into his eyes.
    “There’s nothing more I’d like to do than to take you inside one of our tents and make love to you all night long. I want to see your muscular little body more than I want my next breath. Unfortunately...” Jonathan blew out a long breath of air. They both watched as the chilly temperature turned it into a visible vapor. “It’s way too cold to do what I want to do. To take the time, to do what I want to do.”
    Kina’s breath was coming in pants. She couldn’t hide what she was feeling because of the coldness of the air. Every little puff that came from her mouth was being broadcasted to Jonathan, loud and clear. She guessed her being honest worked after all. She wanted the same thing. The images his words brought to her mind were hot as hell. She could almost imagine him braced over her, his hair hanging down and brushing over her chest. She shuddered. How could she want this so quickly? She thought about it. Did she just want sex or was it Jonathan? She decided it was definitely Jonathan. No one else had made her feel this way in a long time.
                  Jonathan ran a finger down Kina’s cheek and continued. “Even though it’s too cold to make love to you tonight, I want you next to me. I want to feel you along my body. I want to hold you all night. I need to feel every inch of you curled up next to me. I’ll understand if you think it’s too soon. I won’t force you, Kina, it’s up to you. Just know I want this. I want this more than anything.”
    He stopped and actually took a small shuffling step away from her. He dropped his hands to his side. Kina was floored. He’d laid out what he’d wanted and was honest-to-God putting the decision in her hands. Matt would’ve just grabbed her and shoved her into the small tent.
                  She nodded at Jonathan. He took a step that brought him back in direct contact with her again. She could feel the heat from his body all along the front side of hers. He wasn’t touching her, but if she took a deep breath she knew her breasts would brush against his chest. She craned her neck to look up at him.
    “Say the words, hon.”
    Kina loved, and hated, that he wanted to hear her say what she wanted and he wouldn’t just take a small nod from her as agreement.
    “I’d love to spend the night curled up next to you,” she told him simply and honestly. She had no idea where this was going, but for now she’d take it. It’d been so long since she’d cuddled with a man. She missed it. Matt hadn’t been a cuddler. Once he’d gotten off, he turned over, with his back to her and went to sleep. Kinashook her head. She had to stop comparing everything Jonathan did to Matt. It wasn’t fair to Jonathan or her. But then again, every time sh e di d compare them, Jonathan always came out on top, so maybe it wasn’t such a horrible thing after all.
    Jonathan took her hand in his again and stepped toward his tent. He unzipped the opening and motioned for Kina to precede him into the small space. And it was small. These tents were made to hold one person. It’d be a tight fit, but Kina supposed that was what Jonathan envisioned.
    Kina entered the tent, sat down, pulled off her boots and put them by the door. She scooted away from the opening and lay down on her side to give Jonathan room to enter. She watched as he first unzipped the other tent and grabbed the sleeping bag. He tossed it into his tent and then he also sat and removed his boots before scooting back and zipping up the flimsy door.
    Kina was nervous. She wasn’t sure what to do. She

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