Enchanted and Desired

Free Enchanted and Desired by Eva Simone

Book: Enchanted and Desired by Eva Simone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eva Simone
high and mighty on me Jess. I fucking wanted you, and you know it. You were the one that ignored me and then turned up in my club letting some random guy grope all over you.”
    “I didn’t KNOW it was your club! GOD. And you were the one that wound me up and then discarded me like I was nothing.” She has some nerve.
    “Don’t give me that bull Jess. I came out to get you and you blew me off. Then I watched you get in the cab with that prick, so don’t accuse me of being a fucking player. You play the game pretty damn well yourself.”
    “Yeah I went home with him, and I fucked him and it was great…fucking amazing actually. Best sex of my life.” I can’t believe we are having this conversation in the middle of the goddamn street, but fuck it.
    “That’s a load of crap and you know it. I was there remember…I KNOW how it felt when I was deep inside you baby. You fucking loved it, and it scared the shit out of you.” I lean in close to her face, my rage threatening to overwhelm me.
    “Tell me it wasn’t my face you saw while he fucked you. Tell me you weren’t imagining it was my cock hammering in and out of you, just so you could get off.”
    “You arrogant bastard.” She starts to hit me, pounding on my chest.
    “How many women have you slept with since we were together?”
    “Why the fuck does that matter? You don’t even fucking want me.”
    “Just answer the goddamn question Simon.” I know I’m going to regret this.
    “SEVEN!! Are you happy now? Does that make you feel better Jess? Since I watched you get into the car with that fucking dickhead I’ve slept with seven women trying to forget you, and two of them were at the same time! I pictured you every time just so I could shoot my load and get the fuck away from them, because NONE of them made me feel the way you do.” I have to hold her hands to stop her from hitting me as she struggles to contain her emotions.
    “You disgust me you know that? Don’t ever touch me again. Let go of me…NOW.” I do as she asks, the look of defeat and disappointment on her face, stabbing a knife into my heart.
    “Jess, this isn’t easy for either of us. I don’t EVER let women in; I don’t DO relationships; and I don’t talk about my feelings – because generally I don’t have any when it comes to women I sleep with. I know that sounds shitty, but I have my own demons to bear and this is how I’ve dealt with it. Then you come along and fucking wreck it, making me feel…I don’t even fucking KNOW what I feel, but I know this much, I want you, I want to be inside you, giving you pleasure and watching the way your body moves as you come apart beneath me.”
    “Don’t spin me another one of your bullshit lines.” Now I’m fucking angry. I just poured my fucking heart out and this is what I get?
    “It’s not a fucking line Jess. Here’s the reality. If you hadn’t fucking shut me out after our last night together, I wouldn’t have slept with any of those women. I would have been worshipping your body; indulging your every desire; begging you to ride my cock. But that wasn’t the case, and I dealt with it the only way I know how.” A single tear escapes her eye as she drops her head in defeat.
    “I need to go. Please…just let me go. Whatever this is between us…this attraction…it’s toxic, for both of us. I don’t want to see you again Simon. Don’t call; don’t try to contact me at all. Let’s just walk away while we’re both still relatively unscathed…Please.” The pain I see on her face is killing me, and I know I need to let her go.
    “I’m sorry Jess.” I kiss her cheek, inhaling the scent of cherries that is unique to her, letting it ingrain itself in my memory before I turn and walk away, forcing each step; every stride away from her causing a tightening in my chest that I don’t understand. I barely know this girl and yet I’m fighting the urge to turn and take one last look at her; fighting the urge to go back

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