The Boy Next Door

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Book: The Boy Next Door by Meg Cabot Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meg Cabot
apartment, 15B, and Mrs. Friedlander’s apartment, 15A, mixed up. Which got me thinking about what a cop friend of mine said—that it almost resembled the work of the transvestite killer, except that the old lady didn’t fit the victim profile. I’m kind of wondering if maybe the guy got the wrong apartment…if Mrs. Friedlander wasn’t his intended victim at all. That once he’d realized his mistake, he tried to go through with it, but couldn’t quite do it, and ended up leaving the job undone.
    I don’t know. It’s just something I’ve been thinking about. I polled the doormen in the building, and none of them remembers sending anyone up to the fifteenth floor that night—although one of them did ask me if I’d gotten my hair cut. Apparently, he’d seen Max before, and while he recognized that I was not quite the genuine article, he couldn’t make out just how precisely I had changed in appearance. Frightening how we take our security for granted, isn’t it?
    Anyway, if you’re good, I’ll send you the first couple chapters of my opus. It’s about a bunch of people who lack any redeeming qualities—kind of like Mim’s friends. You’ll like it.
    Oh, my God, I’ve got to go. I have to be at Film Forum in fifteen minutes.

To: John Trent
    From: Jason Trent
    Subject: You are unbelievable
    Film Forum? That ’s why you can’t be at the dedication? You’re going to the movies ?
    The redhead has something to do with this, doesn’t she?

To: Nadine Wilcock
    From: Mel Fuller
    Subject: My date-a-logue
    Preparation for my date begins. I put on the stunning little blue dress you helped me pick out. I notice that it looks a little too stunning for dinner and a movie. Add a cotton sweater. Mom would be pleased. Remember her adage: You know how cold it can get in movie theaters in the summertime.
    Practice walking in new platform mules for half an hour. Only turn my ankle twice. I’m ready as I’ll ever be.
    Depart for downtown. Know I must look nice, as I am groped on the 1 train between Times Square and Penn Station. Elbow groper in the midriff. Receive round of applause from fellow straphangers. Groper disembarks, looking shamefaced.
    Arrive outside movie theater. There is a huge line! Scan line nervously for John (did I tell you Max asked me to call him John? It’s an old college nickname). Finally spot him at end of line, already holding tickets. My plan to go dutch (therefore making this an outing between friends, and not a date, per your suggestion) instantly ruined! I rally by informing him I will buy popcorn and sodas. You will be pleased to know that John graciously acquiesces to this plan.
    Stand in line chatting about giant sinkhole that has opened up on 79th Street. You know how I love weather disasters. Well, it turnsout John does, too! This leads to a long conversation about our favorite weather disasters.
    Line begins to move. John goes to find seats. I go to buy popcorn and soda. Realize with dismay I forgot to tell him to get me a seat on the aisle due to absurdly small bladder.
    But when I get inside the theater, he has done just that—saved me the aisle seat! Now, really, Nadine, has Tony ever once let you have the aisle seat? No, never, and you know it.
    Watch movie. Eat popcorn. Notice John can chew and breathe through his nose at the same time. This is a marked improvement over Aaron, who you will recall had a problem with that. I wonder if Dolly has noticed it yet.
    Also, John does not look at his watch while the movie is running. This was one of Aaron’s most annoying habits. Then I notice that John does not even wear a watch. Definitely an improvement over Aaron, who not only wore one but checked it obsessively every twenty minutes.
    We walk over to Brothers Barbecue and

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