Unexpected Ride
school” Carla gushed and then hesitated.
    “Is it after football, mom?” Ben asked.
    The excitement and eagerness left Carla’s face in an instant when she realized that the classes would likely be during Ben’s practices or games. 
    Chuck, in his normal fashion, stepped in and said, “Maybe it should just be you and me at football practices little buddy and your mom can come to some of the games.  Moms usually just sit around worrying that you will get hurt or some shit anyways.”
    Ben glanced at Carla who looked away from him.  It was obvious to Greg that Carla having been the center of their world and now suddenly unavailable from time to time was going to mean an adjustment for them all.  As excited as Ben was to play football… the possibility of his mom not being there for it was disappointing to him.  What Greg was unprepared for was the look of anguish on her face when she turned back to look at him.
    “Hey why don’t we go to the basement and play twister with Meredith’s fake foot,” Chuck offered, clearly reading Carla’s mood on her face and playing interference.
    “Edith’s foot is not a toy… my Chuckie!” Gretchen admonished him.
    It took but a moment for Meredith and Chuck to usher the three kids out of the kitchen and Greg listened as they were herded down to the basement.  Carla had again turned away from him and he knew she was struggling to maintain her composure.
    “I have asked you repeatedly not to interfere… and still you do.  I knew I should have talked it over with them before I just made a decision like this but instead I let you talk me into it.  Did you see the disappointment on his little face?” she choked.
    Oh hell no… not this again.   He approached where she stood and placed his hand on her arm once again and said, “So if Ben playing football would have negatively impacted Matt… you wouldn’t have let him play right?  Is that what you are saying?  Because what I hear is that everyone here is allowed to have their own interests, dreams and goals… except you… at least not if your interests, dreams and goals interfere in any way with theirs.”
    “He’s just a child... and I’m his only parent now.  I should be there for every game… every practice because… because…  Doug doesn’t get to be,” she replied with tears shining in her eyes.
    “So you think Ben will hold the fact his father can’t be there against you if you’re not at every game… every practice?” he asked.
    “No… I think Doug would… it should have been me that picked up Meredith that night.  He only did it because I was watching one of those learning programs on television.  He told me he knew how much I liked the show because it had to do with… medicine … and offered to go and get her instead.  I owe it to him to do all the things he won’t be able to anymore,” she sobbed.
    He caught her by the back of her neck and pulled her to him.  God he hated it when she cried … he completely understood why Chuck had such an issue with it.  She was so sweet and kind that seeing her cry was painful to everyone around her. 
    When her tears subsided a little bit he said, “Yes you do owe him that much… but that debt also includes things like fulfilling a dream, learning to live and love again, and experiencing excitement like I saw on your face earlier.”
    She turned away from him and grabbed a napkin out of a holder and wiped her eyes and blew her nose.  When she finally pulled herself together she turned back to face him.  She was even pretty when she cried but it still bothered the hell out of him when she did.   He watched her eyes find his mouth and before he knew what to expect next, she crossed the floor to where he stood.  Reaching up she pulled his head down to her and pressed her lips to his.
    The fire in her kiss destroyed whatever was left of his defenses as her lips found his over and over again.  Just as quickly as she had started, she broke

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