Just a Vampire [tribal Bonds 1]

Free Just a Vampire [tribal Bonds 1] by Stormy Glenn

Book: Just a Vampire [tribal Bonds 1] by Stormy Glenn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stormy Glenn
down the hallway to his office, located at the top of the stairs. He still had Jackson to deal with, and Luca was pretty sure he had the perfect punishment in mind for the vampire.
“Sit, pet,” Luca directed, pointing to the pillows next to his chair. Rowan shot him a disgruntled look that promised retribution but went to sit on the cushions without a comment. Luca knew he’d be paying for that statement later.
He sat down in his chair and stroked his hand through Rowan’s soft hair as he regarded the vampire standing at attention on the other side of his desk. “Speak, Jackson.”
Jackson swallowed hard. “Yes, sir, Electus. I was playing cards with several others when your anamchara entered the room. I know it is forbidden to touch him, and we did not, but we did play cards with him.”
“I see.” Luca glanced down just in time to see Rowan roll his eyes. He twisted lips trying not to laugh. Luca could see that Rowan was going to be a handful, and strangely enough, he was looking forward to it. “You’ve been one of my soldiers for how long now, Jackson?”
“Fifteen years, Electus.”
“Still a fledgling then.”
Jackson bristled under the term fledgling as Luca knew he would. No vampire soldier wanted to be called young and inexperienced, but it was the truth. Most of Luca’s more hardened soldiers had been with him for decades.
Luca stroked his hand through Rowan’s short sunlight-blond hair one more time then folded his hands together as he regarded Jackson. “My issue with you is not that you played cards with my anamchara. It is with the way you were speaking to him. You yelled at him. That is not allowed.”
“My apologies, Electus,” Jackson said. “It won’t happen again.”
“I know. However, I cannot let this infraction go unpunished. If I were to let you slide on this, then others would think they could yell at Rowan and get away with it. I can’t allow that, Jackson.”
Jackson swallowed hard. “No, Electus.”
“As punishment for yelling at Rowan I am assigning you as his personal bodyguard.” Luca dipped his head to hide his smirk when Jackson whimpered. There was pure fear in that sound. “His life and safety will be your sole responsibility. If he is harmed in any way, you will answer to me. If he is harmed, I will let you live.”
Jackson frowned. “Sir?”
Luca arched an eyebrow. “If you allow my anamchara to get hurt, would you rather die quickly or live to meet my wrath, Jackson?” Jackson paled. “I’d rather die, Electus.”
Luca nodded. “Then I suggest you ensure that no harm comes to my anamchara, or I will let you live.”
“Yes, Electus.”
“As long as we understand each other.”
Jackson nodded.
“Then go see Manu and get suited up. Knock on the door when you return, and then you can wait outside for Rowan.”
“Yes, Electus.” Jackson bowed then left the room.
The moment the door closed behind Jackson, Rowan smacked Luca on the thigh. Luca chuckled when he glanced down at the man, totally unfazed by Rowan’s little show of violence. “You have something to say, anamchara?”
“You didn’t have to make it a punishment, Luca.”
Luca laughed outright as he grabbed Rowan and lifted the man into his lap. Rowan snuggled right into Luca’s chest, burying his face in Luca’s neck. “Jackson needed to understand how important it is that you are kept safe. Now he knows.”
“We were just playing cards, Luca.”
“Like I told Jackson, I have no problem with you playing cards. I do, however, have a problem with someone yelling at you.”
“Besides you, you mean.”
Luca grinned. “Yes, besides me.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course, anamchara. You can ask me anything.”
“Am I going to turn into a vampire now that you’ve bitten me?”
Luca burst out laughing again. “No, anamchara, you cannot be turned into a vampire. I told you that already. You are either born a vampire or you are not. You, my little love,”—Luca tapped his finger on

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