Just a Vampire [tribal Bonds 1]

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Book: Just a Vampire [tribal Bonds 1] by Stormy Glenn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stormy Glenn
Rowan was in the room as his anamchara was scooted under the edge of the desk.
“He’s lying, Luca,” Rowan whispered through their bond. “I can feel it. I don’t know what he is up to, but he’s lying through his teeth.”
“How do you know?” Luca asked right back.
“My head hurts.”
Luca stroked his fingers through Rowan’s hair. He instantly felt the tension leave Rowan. “Be quiet and be still. I don’t think he knows you’re here, and I’d prefer that he didn’t. We’ll discuss this after he leaves.”
Rowan remained quiet. Luca kept his hand in Rowan’s hair as he considered Darius’s words and possible motives for lying. “Who are you meeting with?”
“There’s a new line of rum coming out of Jamaica. So far, it has a reputation as being top of the line. While it’s a new company, if it’s as good as I think it will be, I’d like to get in on the ground floor. Like I said, in the long term, it could be beneficial for the tribe.”
Unfortunately, Luca couldn’t think of a single reason to say no. “Very well, I’ll call and have one of the VIP rooms reserved for you.”
“Thank you, Electus.” Darius bowed and left the room.
Luca waited a moment after the door shut then pulled Rowan back into his arms. “Now, tell me what you know.”
“Not much,” Rowan confessed. “I just know when someone is lying, and he was lying through his teeth to you.”
“How do you know?”
“You know those headaches I get?”
Luca nodded.
“I can feel lies and strong emotions like hate. They make my head ache.” Rowan grimaced. “When we arrived, I felt someone in the room, one of your vampires. The hatred was so strong it almost made me black out, and it wasn’t aimed only at me. Someone has it out for you, too.”
“Is this another one of your family traits?”
Rowan nodded. “I’ve never found anything to counteract it until I met you.”
Luca’s eyebrows shot up. “Me?”
“Well, more specifically, your smell.” Rowan’s face filled with color. “For some reason, your scent calms the ache in my head when I feel strong emotion.”
“Then we will ensure that I am always close at your side if you get another one of these headaches.”
“You still need to worry about that guy.”
“Is he the one you felt in the main room when we arrived?”
“I can’t tell. I know he doesn’t like you and I know he’s lying, but I can’t tell if he was the same one I was feeling in the main room.” A little frown furrowed Rowan’s eyebrows. “It might have been because we were sitting too close together and your scent was all around me. Maybe that mutes it, too.”
“I’m not into testing your theory, Rowan.” The mere thought made Luca want to growl. “We’ll just keep an eye on it and see when and where it happens. Agreed?”
Rowan nodded. “Agreed, believe me. I hate those headaches.”
Luca grabbed the phone, dialing Manu’s cell phone. He needed someone to follow Darius and find out what he was truly up to. He didn’t like being lied to, and he didn’t like feeling as though something sinister was brewing.
This was his territory, and Luca planned on keeping it peaceful. Maybe if Manu caught Darius in the act of some sort of betrayal, he could finally kick the bastard’s ass out of his tribe.
After he issued Manu the order to follow Darius, another knock sounded on his door. Luca released Rowan and yelled for whoever was there to enter. It was Jackson, looking a little green around the edges.
“I have come for my charge, Electus.”
With Darius up to no good—and Luca had no doubt about the vampire’s intentions—he wanted to keep his anamchara by his side. But as Rowan had stated, boredom equaled trouble. Luca nodded as he tapped Rowan on his shoulder and then looked back at Jackson.
“With your life, Jackson.”
“Yes, Electus,” Jackson answered as he bowed.
Somehow Luca knew this was a match made in hell. Rowan was going to run circles around Jackson. The young vampire

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