Just a Vampire [tribal Bonds 1]

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Book: Just a Vampire [tribal Bonds 1] by Stormy Glenn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stormy Glenn
the end of Rowan’s nose—“are a wolf, and you will stay a wolf.”
Rowan’s head tilted slightly. “But I thought…” He frowned. “I thought you became a vampire when you got bitten by one.”
Luca shook his head. “Hollywood myth.”
Rowan blinked. “Sunlight then?”
“Harmful to younger vampires, but the older we become, the more sunlight we can handle.”
“Are you old enough to handle the sun?”
“Well, I wouldn’t want to be on the beaches in Tahiti, but I can handle the morning sunlight and cloudy days.”
“That’s a wolf thing, isn’t it?”
Rowan’s eyebrows shot up. “Uh…not in my family.”
“You can handle silver?”
Rowan held up his hand and jiggled the simple silver bracelet on his wrist. Luca frowned and grabbed Rowan’s wrist. “Where did you get this?” He didn’t like the idea of his anamchara wearing jewelry given by anyone else but him.
“It was my grandmother’s. I got it when she passed away a few years ago.”
“Then I suppose I will allow you to keep it.” Luca chuckled at the smirk on Rowan’s face. Maybe his anamchara was coming to know him a little too well. “Your family seems to have some very interesting genetic anomalies.”
Rowan grimaced. “So I understand. What about garlic?” Rowan asked, obviously changing the subject. Luca let it go—for now. “Are you allergic to it?”
Luca nodded. “Unfortunately, that is one myth that Hollywood got right. Garlic, in low concentrations, will make me sick. In high concentrations, it will kill me. It’s like a poison. Even if it’s in your blood and I drink from you, it will harm me. So no more Italian for you.”
Rowan’s eyebrows drew together in a little frown Luca was starting to adore. It told him that Rowan was thinking hard about something. Luca just waited. He knew Rowan would say whatever he had to say when he was good and ready and not a moment before.
Luca didn’t just invite Rowan to his club and hope for the best. He had Rowan thoroughly investigated and watched for the last month. He probably knew more about Rowan than anyone. He wanted to know everything there was to know about his future mate.
“So I can’t have garlic anymore because you want to bite me?”
Luca chuckled. “I want to do a whole lot more than bite you, Rowan.”
A soft flush filled Rowan’s face even as his eyes widened. Luca arched an eyebrow when Rowan suddenly wiggled around. “Do you want to bite me now?”
Luca opened his mouth to tell Rowan yes when there was a sudden knock on the door. Luca groaned and dropped his head forward to rest against Rowan’s. “Maybe later if you’re real good, anamchara. Now, get down on your pillows and stay quiet.”
Rowan snorted but climbed down off Luca’s lap and curled up on his pillows next to Luca’s chair. “I think I should warn you now, boredom gets me into trouble. Maybe we should talk about an iPad or something.”
“We’ll discuss it.” Luca chuckled as he ruffled the top of Rowan’s head. “Now, quiet down, anamchara.”
Rowan tipped his head back and nipped at Luca’s fingers. Luca shook his head and called out for whoever was outside to come in. The smile faded from his lips, and he slipped into electus mode when Darius walked in.
“Darius, what can I do for you?”
Luca didn’t like Darius. The vampire left him cold. He would have preferred to banish the man from his tribe, but even he, as electus, had to have a good reason. As of yet, he didn’t have one. Until he did, Darius stayed.
“I have a business meeting tomorrow with some distributors,” Darius said. “I wondered if there was a way I could book one of the VIP rooms at the Crystal Cavern for my meeting. If all goes as I want, it should bring in a hefty profit for all of us over an extended amount of time.”
Luca frowned when he felt a tug on his pant leg. He didn’t look down, mostly because he didn’t want to take his eyes off of Darius. He also didn’t think Darius knew

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