Lucy, Fallen

Free Lucy, Fallen by Yolanda Olson

Book: Lucy, Fallen by Yolanda Olson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yolanda Olson
    “Sovereign?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
    I blushed and nodded.
    “Of which?”
    “The ninth. It’s the Enigmas and Mysteries and it was given to me.”
    “So does this make me... you know?”
    “Yes, while I still have it,” I responded.
    “Take me?”
    I looked at him. There was nothing left to see and the place was probably riddled with Thunderbirds and...
    Oh my God.
    “You’re brilliant Dev, brilliant!” I yelled.
    “Usually yes,” he said with a laugh, “but what are you talking about?”
    “We have to get Micah to perform our half of the marriage ritual now. I know where they’re hiding Keilyn,” I excitedly.
    “What? Where?” he asked confused.
    “Above,” I said softly.

    D ev looked at me like I had lost my mind. I knew what he was thinking that there was no way that the Thunderbirds would inhabit the Above, but I knew in my heart that’s where they were.
    “Don’t you understand? That’s the last place that we would look for them. It’s the perfect place to take her. After they attacked your home looking for me, they saw I was protected by devils and know that the Above would be the most dangerous place for me to go. I know she’s there, Dev. I just know it.”
    “There’s no way I’m letting you go up there, you know that don’t you?”
    “Damn it Deveraux! This is not the time to do this! That is my territory and I know how to navigate it better than they ever will. You’re not going to keep me from going to the Above to save Keilyn. This will probably be the last time I ever see it and I’m going whether you go or not. Now I’m going to get Micah and we’re going to do through our half of the marriage ritual so that I can heal and I am going back to the Above! ” I finished with a shout.
    He looked hurt for a moment but conceded and went with me to the sulphur springs to where Micah was sitting with Hadrian and Arissa. The two of them were sitting there while he told them stories about things he had seen since the dawn of time. They looked like young attentive children as they sat there enthralled by his stories. He looked up when he saw me and smiled, but it quickly faded when he saw the look of determination on my face.
    “Perform the ritual. I don’t have time to explain. Just perform it,” I said.
    Micah nodded and stood up, telling Hadrian and Arissa that they would need to stand as far away from us as they could or be badly scarred from the ritual. Curiously they looked at him and then me, before heading to the edge of the springs and watched as Micah blessed the springs then asked Deveraux and I to step into them. He stood on one of the boulders directly in front of us, with his wings spread and blessed us together before he began. I could hear Dev growl slightly next to me.
    “May the heavens rejoice and bestow Thirteen and Deveraux with the gifts of the Ninth Heaven of Enigmas and Mysteries. May they reign together in pure harmony and peace and know no sorrow, no pain, and no loss. Join hands,” he instructed us.
    He blessed us again which caused Dev to flinch and growl again, “Deveraux, this Sovereign of the Ninth Heaven is giving her heart and soul to you in the purest of love. Do you accept her as she is and swear to love only her? Do you swear to be by her side always and never behind or in front of her? Do you swear to give her yourself in the purest of love, heart and soul?”
    “Yes,” he said his vocals starting to show signs of duality, which clearly meant possession.
    Again, Micah blessed us before he started, “Thirteen, this Lord of Hell is giving his heart and soul to you in the purest of love. Do you accept him as he is and swear to love only him? Do you swear to be by his side always and never behind or in front of him? Do you swear to give him yourself in the purest of love, heart and soul?”
    “Always,” I replied squeezing Dev’s hand to let him know it was almost over.
    Micah spread his wings and his arms to

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