Barbarian's Mate

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Book: Barbarian's Mate by Ruby Dixon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruby Dixon
speaks a lot of human words, and I vaguely hear them, but I’m focused on her soft hair instead, dragging my fingers through it again and watching it ripple.
    Finally, she will let me touch her.
    “So, um, should we find someplace private to do this?” Her voice sounds choked.
    I nod. I would take her on the floor, right here, right now - but I understand that humans value quiet places where they can be alone to mate. I try to think of all of the things the other human-mated males have said around the fire - how they like to be held, what pleases them - but all I can think of is the steady throbbing hum of my khui in my breast, Jo-see’s nearness, and the ache in my body that is about to be slaked at last.
    She moves away, and I walk behind her. She could lead me off a cliff and in this moment? I would follow gladly. Jo-see heads into the depths of the cave, turning down a passage I have never been in, and then stops in front of the wall. She pushes a button and the wall slides back, revealing a chamber. I twitch, uneasy at the sight of the moving wall, but when she moves in, I follow anyhow. If it is not safe, better that I am with her.
    The chamber is small and square, and there is a shelf along the wall. She sits on the edge of it and looks over at me with nervous eyes.
    “You want to mate here?”
    Her cheeks flare with color and she nods. “Seems as good a place as anywhere else.”
    I nod and move closer to her. Her scent beckons, and I hear the endless hum of her khui. It calls to me, and I can’t resist the chance to reach out and touch her mane again. My fingers drag through it and she shudders, her eyes closing.
    She doesn’t touch me, and I fight back a pang of disappointment. Maybe it is human custom for the male to take charge of the mating. I sit next to her on the hard bench, and brush a finger over her smooth, rounded cheek. My cock aches, my sac tightening against my shaft as if ready to release my seed. I cannot yet, though. I have barely touched her, and I want more.
    Her scent is enticing, and I lean in to sniff her. I…never touched Zalah. She pushed me away and mocked me for the stripling I was. Then when I recovered from the khui-sickness, she was gone and touching anyone else - had they even offered - seemed wrong. Now, I have my mate and no idea of how to please her. Instinct will have to guide me.
    I lean in and nuzzle at her neck, licking at her soft, smooth skin. She shivers and makes a soft, whimpery noise that makes my cock jolt in response. She is not moving away from my touch, and her khui is singing loudly in her breast. Her scent is so…overwhelming. I want more of it, and I cup a hand to the other side of her neck and bury my face against her shoulder. She is fragile and small, my mate, and I worry I will hurt her somehow. “I…”
    “It’s okay,” she breathes and puts a small hand on my arm. “Let’s not talk, all right? Let’s just…do this.”
    She does not want to speak? I do not know if this is another human custom. It feels strange to me, but I give in to her wishes. I pull at the collar of her tunic, loosening the laces. She remains utterly still, that tight look on her face. I wish she acted as if she were more…aroused by my touch. My cock jerks in my breechcloth, unaware of her tension. All my body cares about is that I am finally touching my mate.
    The khui hums in my chest, and I pull her closer against me. I want to touch her everywhere. I want that tight look on her face to change to one of pleasure. It is important to me that she like my touch…I want her to realize that I can be a good mate to her. That I need her. That she is beautiful to me with her silky hair and her pink, smooth face and her smiles.
    Ah, her smiles. I feel pre-cum slicking the head of my cock at the thought. I am close to spending and I have barely touched her. I release her, clenching a hand into a fist, trying to keep control.
    But then she leans against me. I forget all about

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