Teasing Her Marine Master

Free Teasing Her Marine Master by Lola Rivera

Book: Teasing Her Marine Master by Lola Rivera Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lola Rivera
Tags: General Fiction
Chapter One
    She was the dirtiest little cock tease he'd ever known.
    Mack watched Jolie climb out of the lake and gingerly step onto the boat. Droplets of water glistened on her tanned nubile body. He watched the glimmering beads ride her curves. They followed the swell of her pert breasts and dripped down her lean belly. He took a good, long look at that sweet little ass of hers before it was hidden by the beach towel she wrapped around her wet body.
    Swallowing hard, he glanced away and busied himself with turning the boat around and back toward the docks. All day she'd been parading around in progressively skimpier clothing, tempting him with things he couldn't have. He silently berated himself for lusting after the eighteen-year-old daughter of his best friends. God, he was such a filthy fucking pervert! She used to call him Uncle Mack, for crying out loud! And here he was dreaming about that tight, teen pussy of hers sliding up and down his cock.
    His balls ached at the very idea of Jolie's wet cunt squeezing his dick. He could just hear the naughty sounds she'd make, the squeals and moans of joy as he pounded her pussy until she came. He'd fill her up with his cum while she screamed his name and—.
    Jolie's sweet voice interrupted his salacious thoughts. She stood close enough that he caught the coconut scent of her sunscreen. Her fingertips scorched his wrist. That megawatt smiled made his stomach flip-flop. Her green eyes seemed even brighter this afternoon.
    "Yeah?" He finally found his voice. He consciously ordered his cock to behave, demanding the erection he sported to deflate before someone on the boat noticed.
    "Can I drive back to the lake house?" She rubbed her fingers over the wheel. The sight of her hand moving over the gleaming wood sent shivers right through him. He wanted that hand on another piece of wood he owned.
    "No." The word was gruffer than he'd intended. Her face fell and he hurried to explain. "The water is busy today, Jolie. You've never driven a boat. Some other time when it's not such a big risk."
    "Promise?" She turned those doe-eyes on him and stroked his arm.
    He gulped down the arousal threatening to choke him. "Promise."
    She grinned and sidled closer instead of moving away from him. She unhooked the towel wrapped around her body and dabbed at her skin, wicking away the last bits of dampness. He'd never seen a simple white bikini look so damn hot. It was criminal, really, for any girl to look that good and be untouchable.
    "What's on the agenda tonight?" she asked as she finger-combed her long black hair.
    He tore his gaze away from her breasts and back to navigating the lake. "Barbecue, I suspect. You know how your dad is about grilling when he's out here."
    "It would be nice if he actually knew how to grill." She bent over and dug around in the ice chest. Her heart-shaped ass wiggled as her fingers sloshed through the ice. Heat streaked through his groin and made his dick throb. "Want something?"
    Oh, he wanted something all right. Instead, he cleared his throat and nodded. "Soda's fine."
    She grabbed a bottle of water and a can of soda and flipped the lid shut. She used a corner of the towel she'd discarded to wipe away the water clinging to the can so it wouldn't be slippery. He was surprised by her considerate gesture. As an only child, she tended toward the spoiled end of the spectrum.
    Their fingers touched as she handed him the soda. The electric spark zinged up his arm and across his chest. He fought the urge to rub her knuckles with his fingertip. His gaze skipped to her face. Did she understand the effect she had on him? That mischievous smiled told him all he needed to know.
    Jolie opened the bottle of water and took a long, slow drink. She glanced back toward the other end of the boat where her parents were sipping beers and petting one another. "I wonder if they're going to play 'bridge' with the Hendersons tomorrow night."
    He didn't miss the way she drew air

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