Self Confidence Secrets: How To Overcome Anxiety and Low Self Esteem with NLP

Free Self Confidence Secrets: How To Overcome Anxiety and Low Self Esteem with NLP by Dan Johnston

Book: Self Confidence Secrets: How To Overcome Anxiety and Low Self Esteem with NLP by Dan Johnston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dan Johnston
some people to work outside the food process, it certainly wasn't a solo effort. Imagine if people tried to farm alone, especially before modern farming tools? The work would be insurmountable and even if they were to complete it they'd die of malnourishment having a perhaps 2-3 different items in their diet. There certainly wasn't a grocery store you could visit.
    You see, we NEED other people and are deeply wired to seek acceptance. 5,000 years ago if the tribe cast you aside you'd likely die in a matter of weeks unless you found a new tribe. Today that means we're still wired to do HIGHLY irrational things in response to social stimuli.
    Let me tell you a story. Since birth I have had a vicious peanut allergy. Cannot go near them! I've been told by the specialist that my sensitivity is off the charts and I've seen in movies scenes where people collapse within seconds of ingesting a peanut. It’s scary in the literal sense.
    A few years ago I was sitting down to eat lunch alone at a local cafe. I do not recall everything I ordered, but I definitely had the soup. I dipped a piece of bread into the soup and took a small bite. Instantly the part of my tongue it touched went numb and a feeling of overwhelming dread, death literally on my doorstep, came over me.
    So this is something that could literally kill me in a matter of minutes. Logic, at least without an understanding of human nature, would say I should have done one of two things:
    1) Dialled 911 on my phone then instantly told a stranger what had happened while keeping my Epipen (medicine) on the ready in case I pass out.
    2) Went next store to the firehouse screaming "I NEED HELP!"
    So which of the two did I do? Well you already know I chose neither. Instead I took some Benadryl, casually walked on over to the pharmacy blocks away to buy some more, and then returned to ask the owners what was in the soup. I'd like to think the reason for this was my willingness to tempt fate, my James Bond like stay cool in any situation demeanor or a deep understand of how allergies work. Perhaps one or two of these played into it a bit, but the truth is the biggest factor affecting my decisions was social acceptance. I didn't want to "trouble" people, draw attention to myself or be the hypochondriac asking for help when it wasn't really needed.
    You know when there is a shootout in movies the good guy always yells "get down get down!" I think they do that because it's necessary. If shooting started, especially in an upscale neighbourhood, people would resist jumping to cover for fear it was a prank or part of a movie and they'd look stupid if no one else jumped.
    Isn't it twisted that our desire to be accepted by others and our concern for what they think about us can actually kill us? Sometimes it's slowly and more figuratively, like the lawyer who really wanted to be an artist but was afraid to tell him family, and other times it can be quite literal.
    So I think it's safe to say that people will do some messed up things to be accepted and judged well by others. But do not worry, this is good news. Now that you're fully aware of this you are able to play with it and add it to your tool kit. You'll be able to use this desire to motivate yourself, and if you want to be a little evil you can use it to play around with others as well.
    Do not worry, I'm about to explain in just a minute.
    A few years ago I arrived at a point where I needed to make some changes in my life. On one hand I had huge aspirations for my business and personal life. On the other hand I was going to bars like I was an college student or former child star.
    I knew something had to change and for me it wasn't going to come from an attempt at moderation. I'm not a fan of incremental improvement when I have the option to shift entirely, the option to transform.
    I decided I was going to give up all alcohol for one year. I'd treat it like an experiment and see how it affected my life. Alcohol is one of the

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