A Kiss for Lady Mary

Free A Kiss for Lady Mary by Ella Quinn

Book: A Kiss for Lady Mary by Ella Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Quinn
the window facing onto the square and tell me if you see Mr. Tolliver.”
    Miss Athey took a cloth from her pocket and pretended to clean the window. “Yes, Your Grace. That’s him, all right. I’d recognize him anywhere.”
    “Well, drat the man. I can’t lead him to Lady Mary.” Despite Lucinda’s faith in her grandson, it wouldn’t do to have Gawain ruining any courting that may be going on. “I’ll have to think of something else.”
    A knock at the door interrupted her.
    When Miss Athey opened the door, the Bridgewater butler was there. “Your Grace, the Dowager Viscountess Featherton is waiting for you in the morning room.”
    “Just in time. Perhaps she will have an idea.” Constance rose and picked up her cane. Getting old was the very devil. “You may help me down the stairs.”
    He held out his arm. “Yes, Your Grace.”
    When she entered the morning room, Lucinda was standing at the door to the garden. She turned. “Lovely this time of year.”
    “I agree. My granddaughter did an excellent job when she was here a couple of years ago. Come sit. We have a problem.”
    After Constance told her friend about Tolliver’s presence, Lucinda asked, “Isn’t Mary in correspondence with Lady Evesham and Lady Huntley?”
    “She is. They have been friends for years.”
    “In that case,” Lucinda said, grinning, “I have just the thing, and Kit won’t even know he’s been tricked. I am quite sure the ladies would be happy to help. I was at Catherine Beaumont’s house the other day when her grandson and his wife brought the baby to visit. Such a beautiful little girl. They will be leaving Town in the next day or so. As I understand it, the Eveshams and Huntleys plan to accompany them. I believe there is some talk of going to Edinburgh. One of Huntley’s aunts lives there.”
    There was no doubt both couples were discreet enough, and the gentlemen were friends of Kit’s. In addition, in the event Mary balked, Lady Evesham and Lady Huntley were more than capable of convincing her that she must wed Kit. Constance walked to the writing table. “I’ll ask the ladies to attend me immediately. Not only will they be able to help ensure that everything goes well, they can stay to witness Kit and Mary’s marriage vows.”
    Eunice ambled toward the wood, her hand tucked in the crook of Mr. Doust’s arm. Once she’d seen the look of recognition on Mr. Featherton’s face when he saw her niece, she had been fairly certain all would be well. Mama and old Lady Featherton had been right when they said he had a tendre for Mary. Be that as it may, it wouldn’t hurt to keep the rector near in the event of a problem. Besides, Eunice wanted to spend more time with him. Soon he’d be nothing more than a pleasant memory. Well, perhaps more than merely pleasant, but a memory nonetheless.
    She’d not been as drawn to a man since Roger, and she didn’t know why Mr. Doust interested her so. He was not much above average height, nowhere near as tall as her husband had been, or as flamboyant. On the other hand, she herself was short, so a man need not be tall to appeal to her. His eyes were a clear brown. Much like a horse’s. He was stocky but had not run to fat, and he moved with a grace she would not have expected. At the local assembly in January, they had danced, and if he had tried to kiss her, she would have let him. If not for Mary and the May game they were playing . . . Eunice sighed. If, if, if. None of it mattered. She recited the story she had decided to tell him. “We will leave for Town as soon as my mother arrives.”
    His brow furrowed. “When will that be?”
    “I’m not sure. Next week or soon thereafter. Before my niece’s birthday.”
    “And what of Mr. Featherton?”
    Drat . She kicked a stone. This was what came of allowing her mind to wander.
    Before she could think of an answer, Mr. Doust said, “It is clear Lady Mary was not expecting Mr. Featherton, nor was she . . . best pleased to

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