Dancing With Devia

Free Dancing With Devia by Viveca Benoir

Book: Dancing With Devia by Viveca Benoir Read Free Book Online
Authors: Viveca Benoir
pleasure in knowing that she was doing so, and that Julian had no idea she was there ‘consoling’ his wife, for something he hadn’t even done.  Not consciously, anyway.
She smiled to herself again.  She leaned in, and kissed Crystal on the side of her head.
In a tender motherly way, but this kiss, was the slow kiss of Judas.
    “Poor baby.” Devia said softly, as Crystal leaned into her and rested her head on her shoulder.
Devia smiled again.  She toyed momentarily, with the idea of drugging her and ‘playing’ with her.
Much as she had done with Julian the day before, but then decided that she needed her wide awake, and raw with angry emotion, so that she could verbally attack Julian when he returned.  She needed her convinced, furious and raging for when he got home.
She wanted the anger to grow, and grow, before then.
She was going to destroy Crystal and her relationship with Julian, day by day, until she got Julian all to herself.
She wanted Crystal to drive him away, or leave herself.  Either way would be good, as long as Julian was left unguarded and single.
    Crystal was still in shock and bewilderment.
She had the same look that you see in old sepia photographs of the soldiers who came back from the First World War. A haunted look that spoke of horror and things they would not forget.
While this event was not on the same level or scale of that trauma, she felt that Crystal gave her the same dead eyed, traumatised look.
Devia revelled in every tear and every little hurt that Crystal was feeling.
She wished that she had brought her camera with her so that she could film this moment and replay it over and over again at home.
  Crystal’s misery was delicious.

It would make wonderful material for her to masturbate to later.
    “Oh, Crystal do you mind if I use your bathroom?” she asked almost brightly.
    “No of course not.
It’s through there.” Crystal pointed down the hall.
You stay right there and rest.
I’ll be back shortly.”
    Devia stood up, taking her bag with her to the main family bathroom.
Next to the bathroom was a door that was slightly ajar.  Devia slowly pushed the door open a little and was rewarded with the sight of their bedroom.  Slipping quietly into the bedroom, she found herself standing by their marital bed.
This was where she imagined that he lay naked.
She caressed the sheets on the unmade bed, her hands slowly smoothing over them.
She leaned down and sniffed them.
She could smell him on them, his sexy, sweet sweat.
She would never forget his musky manly scent, mixed with aftershave.
She picked up his pillow and kissed it, then replaced it where she found it.  She wished she had time to undress and lie there naked to wallow in the sheets, but knowing time was short
she went over to the large heavy chest of drawers and opened the top drawer.
She found
it was
his underwear and socks drawer and took out a pair of socks to add to her collection.
Then, taking the envelope from her pocket she placed it at the back and on the right hand side.
It was hidden by some items, but still visible if you really looked.
She knew that he wouldn’t pay much attention to this.
She knew from previous experience, that men just took what they wanted.
It was the women who put the laundry away that noticed these things.
She slowly, and quietly, shut the drawer and then went through to the bathroom and flushed the toilet to make it sound as though she had used the facilities.
She ran the tap for a few moments to complete her deception and then went back to the living room to where Crystal was still wrapped up in her own little shocked and sad world.
    “Crystal dear, I have to go now.  Remember what I said…and you must stand up for your rights.
You need to know what’s going on.
If he denies it, and he will, know that you are right.
By denying it, he is effectively saying it’s true and he is guilty.”
    Crystal nodded and started to cry all

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